![]() What was your life as an artist like before becoming a member of the Artist Mentoring Program? What was your biggest roadblock? I have been a creative all my life. I’m gifted in many areas and mediums. I tried other creative business ventures but nothing ever stuck. I always seemed to get labeled Hobbyist or Crafter. And because I never completed school with an art degree I felt the odds were against me. I knew that I was an artist and as a Kingdom Creative it was a calling but art as a career just seemed like a nice idea and not reality. I used art for my personal enjoyment and as a Therapeutic practice for inner healing which resulted in physical healing. I would create to give away and had always hoped to “sell” my work. I had to debunk the myth that I couldn’t be successful or thrive without a college degree. Understanding that it was OK to make money with my gift was what I had to overcome and believe that I could thrive at it! What prompted you to become a part of the Artist Mentoring Program? Specifically, what were you looking for? Timing! I wanted my art to have purpose and I wanted to make money from it! I needed permission...to be an artist. I needed business direction. I needed a business mentor! I wanted to join when it was launched but distractions kept getting in the way. Honestly I saved the link to the group, registered for GOA in January of 2017 but lost sight of the vision and never went through with the purchase until I made a business decision that was proposed by a friend. It seemed fun and a great way to make money. It was a thousand dollars investment and there went my GOA money! The first week I made that decision I woke up sick everyday thinking “what have I done?” And because of the amount of work it took to make it work. The cold calls, false enthusiasm etc. Exhausting! I would cry and literally grieve the time it was taking away from me creating. Up until this time I had continually spent regular studio time co-creating with the Lord but was holding the value of my art at a very low place. So I got another email from The Worship Studio and saw another add for Created to Thrive and knew immediately that it was what I was supposed to do to take my gift and business to the next level! I cancelled my other business venture, returned the product and got my refund. I immediately signed up for CTT the next day and then paid for my GOA registration. Thank you Lord for letting it all work out! I had about given up on my dream as an artist and then I joined Created To Thrive. Since becoming a member, how has your life changed? How have you experienced breakthrough? Since joining Created To Thrive my life has been enriched by creative and business knowledge. I’ve gained greater spiritual insight and encouragement and have been given a creative faith family. I have finally found my TRIBE! I have experienced breakthrough in my confidence as an artist. I used to think I was good but not great. I used to see my gift only to be given away and not valued to sell. We artists are the go to “volunteers” for everything creative at churches and schools. But that is not the case anymore. I see my art as valuable and worthy of money. I am worthy! I used to feel “different” like an outsider as an artist and that it was not “Godly”, especially in the body of Christ. But now I know that I am one of His chosen artisans who He has chosen to FILL and Helps me to grow my skill. He has chosen me to bring Heaven to earth. He has chosen me to release and display His glory! What's been your biggest "Aha Moment" that was a real gamechanger for you while in the program? That is a no brainer. It was almost instant. I immediately felt the permission to be who He created and called me to be as a Kingdom Artist and that it was OK to make money at it. The long time prayer for an art and spiritual mentor was answered! Once I had that permission it was game on! Thank you for that and for the affirmation of my gift! What would you say to encourage other artists who are currently in the Artist Mentoring Program along their journey? To artists considering becoming members? It is an investment not another monthly bill. It is worth every penny and more. Don’t lose sight of your WHY and the important part that you have to play in further advancing the Kingdom of God. Do trust yourself and the gift He has entrusted to you. Be diligent to work the program and grow your gift. Stay focused on your vision. Keep connecting with Him and trusting Him in the process. Just stay the course and ask yourself HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT!?! What's on your horizon? What are you dreaming of and moving toward in this next season? Currently I am working on what I am calling My Kingdom Fine Art Collections. Paintings Inspired by explorative play and His insight. As well as trying to complete a book or two. I’m dreaming of the day I publish my books and the people that will they will help. I am dreaming of my work being accepted into shows and being viewed by many then selling for high end prices. Also to see the impact my paintings will have on people. Resuscitating them! I also have loved fashion and interior design since I was a teen. My hope is that I can turn my paintings into fabric one day and maybe even make some “Dionne White Branded items” in my fabric. I am currently having a professional logo and brand mark created. Which I am very excited about! I’m also seeing some type of “creative spiritual coaching business” down the road. It seems to be evolving and this has been a desire of my heart for years since 2008 and I launched my personal ministry in 2016. My heart is to help others persevere empowered so that would be along those lines and just continuing to paint and display His glory! For more information on Dionne, visit her online at http://www.dionnewhiteart.com
Carol Holland
3/28/2018 10:34:42 pm
Dionne, I believe you are on the right track! Your 4 illustrations above would look great in fabric. I wish you the best!
3/28/2018 10:55:16 pm
Dionne, it was so good to read your story. Reading that and then seeing your work....such wonderful inspiration. (I think I have used that word for you a lot). It's so good that you got re-directed towards CTT last year! Blessings to you!
Peggy Wilmeth Carr
3/28/2018 11:03:32 pm
Dionne, This is inspiring! Sometimes, it is easy to forget that people who are able to move ahead and accomplish things may not always have felt that freedom. You said so many things t am sure many of us are feeling, and you have actually accomplished goals, as a result of your time with CTT, so it carries more weight. I have accomplished things, too, but no one would ever know, because I was So-o-o far behind the 8-ball, when I started. Just as a patient in rehab, after a stroke, has to learn extreme patience, I am learning to be content with the small successes, because those form the platform for the big ones, to come!
3/29/2018 12:32:51 am
Dionne, congratulations on your accomplishments, both artistically and mentally. It was interesting to read how you thought you couldn't succeed in an art career w/o an art degree. I went through much the same thing. I wrote about that in one of the chapters of my book, and I believe many artists feel thus. It was therapeutic to write it! It was even more so to get over it! Your journey will be wonderful! I hope you write your books! Go for it all! Glad I got to meet you at Mastermind!
Bernadette Goodson
3/29/2018 03:08:27 am
So wonderful to read your story. I’m so happy I’ve had the chance to be in a group of Christian artists like yourself. You are truly a woman of God. You have helped me more than you know. You are a person who helps people like me regain their creative confidence not only in their talents and skills but in the Truth that God has chosen us to share Him with others. Therefore we are an instrument, no matter what media we may use, in Gods hands for him to use as a bridge to reach others for Him. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Hello Dionne! I HAD to read this interview because I recognized your name....after all, you sent me a friend request on FB:) I enjoyed reading this very much and wanted to encourage you in two ways, 1) your art is beautiful 2) it is very easy to have your art turned into fabric....there is a printer up the road from where I live that does that very thing....I have had several things printed...all you have to do is submit a digital file, pick your fabric, get your quote...and away you go! I live in the Greater Toronto Area in Canada....not sure where you are....but I am giving you the link here so you can see what is possible....they print on natural and synthetic fibres.....http://www.emersondesign.com/fabric/
Denton Miller
3/29/2018 07:45:08 am
It is my continuing pleasure to get to know you a bit lately Dionne! Your constant encouraging presence, everywhere, and your prolific writing inspire me. I perceive, in racing terms: practice is over, the green flag has dropped and you are off to a very promising start.
3/29/2018 12:02:48 pm
SO PROUD of you! I can see that you are moving forward in His plan for you to prosper in His Glory! You have a gift, not just in your art which is beautiful, but in your spirit as well. You are a natural born leader. You go get them girl!!
3/29/2018 02:07:23 pm
Dionne,you inspire me. I will re-read your comments several times to glean the fruit to set on my table.
Jane Schleppenbach
3/30/2018 02:14:19 am
Dionne, so happy to meet you here. Thanks for sharing your heart and the great changes the Lord is doing in your life and career. You are very inspiring to me being new in the mentoring group of what God is doing and will continue to do. It is all so exciting to hear your testimony!
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About...These case studies are based on the stories of artists who are members of the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program. They have shared their own stories in their own words. |