The 2025 Definitive Guide to Prophetic Art & Creating with the Holy Spirit
If you're wanting to find out more about prophetic art and creating with the Holy Spirit, then you're in the right place! I'm going to walk you through everything you need to know about prophetic art so you can enjoy it, create it and share it with the world. You'll see, whether you're into prophetic painting, worship art or any other creative medium, this comprehensive guide to prophetic creativity will help you start creating with the Holy Spirit in a deeper, more meaningful way. It will also help you understand the spiritual impact your work is having on those around you.
I'm also going to share with you some of the best prophetic artists I know as well as some great resources that will help you on your journey to understanding how to create prophetic art. To get started just click one of the links below or just keep scrolling. Be sure to leave a comment at the bottom of the page to let me know your thoughts about prophetic art! |
Top Quotes on Prophetic Art
- "Simply put, prophetic art is "creating art with God". It's this beautiful dance where as artists, we do the thing that God has put on our heart through our creative process." - Matt Tommey
- "The essence of creating prophetic art is learning to listen with the ears of your spirit via your imagination in order to release the Light and Life of God through the work you create." - Matt Tommey
- "God’s original intent for your creativity is that it be the engine through which you co-labor with Him to see His beauty, nature and Kingdom fill the earth. Creative expression absent the power and presence of God is often beautiful but rarely transformative." - Matt Tommey
- “Artists are the life-givers in culture. We are a pivotal intersection point where the Kingdom of Heaven meets culture. It is there that we have the unique opportunity, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to translate the Kingdom of Heaven into a language that bypasses words and goes directly into the human spirit. When we collaborate with the Holy Spirit in this dance of Kingdom creativity, His power, His Life and His Light merge with our faith, creative thoughts, imaginations, desires and skill into art that carries the literal presence and power of God. It is in this context that our art, no matter the creative medium becomes prophetic.” - Matt Tommey
- “Your imagination is a part of your being that interacts with the movement of God within you.” - Matt Tommey
- "Agreement opens the door to your life. It gives whatever you agree with access to move in your life." - Matt Tommey
- "God cares much more that you create than what you create. Having you fulfill your divine design is the desire of the Father." - Matt Tommey
- "God is glorified and I am fulfilled when I create with Him." - Matt Tommey

Just a quick introduction...
In case we've not met before, I'm Matt Tommey and I've been an artist most of my life. I'm what most people call a 'polymath' because my creative journey includes music (playing the piano, singing and songwriting) and the visual arts where I've worked as a professional woven sculpture artist for many years here in Asheville, North Carolina. In recent years, I've begun painting using cold wax medium and oils.
In addition to the art side of me, I've been privileged to walk with thousands of artists around the world to help them start thriving spiritually, artistically and in business through my Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program, as well as books, conferences and courses we host throughout the year. I also have a popular podcast called "The Thriving Christian Artist" podcast, which can be found just about anywhere you listen to podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Podbean, Spotify and others.
However you found yourself here at my website, I'm really glad you're here! I hope this information is a huge blessing in your journey as you find out more about creating and/or enjoying prophetic art.
In case we've not met before, I'm Matt Tommey and I've been an artist most of my life. I'm what most people call a 'polymath' because my creative journey includes music (playing the piano, singing and songwriting) and the visual arts where I've worked as a professional woven sculpture artist for many years here in Asheville, North Carolina. In recent years, I've begun painting using cold wax medium and oils.
In addition to the art side of me, I've been privileged to walk with thousands of artists around the world to help them start thriving spiritually, artistically and in business through my Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program, as well as books, conferences and courses we host throughout the year. I also have a popular podcast called "The Thriving Christian Artist" podcast, which can be found just about anywhere you listen to podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Podbean, Spotify and others.
However you found yourself here at my website, I'm really glad you're here! I hope this information is a huge blessing in your journey as you find out more about creating and/or enjoying prophetic art.

What is Prophetic Art?
Simply put, prophetic art is "creating art with God". It's this beautiful dance where as artists, we do the thing that God has put on our heart through our creative process. He flows through us by the power of the Holy Spirit in order to inspire us, bring fulfillment to us in our unique design and release His transformative nature through us to touch the world around us. As our artistic skills increase, our capacity to flow with God is enlarged. And as our ability to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit is sharpened, our art becomes much more than just the sum of materials, tools and techniques. It becomes transformative, as a means of grace.
Always remember, creating with the Holy Spirit is about process, not product, intention not necessarily the outcome. It’s about continually cultivating ears to hear, eyes to see, and senses to feel what God is saying and doing within your world. Then, respond through your chosen creative process. That's prophetic art. It's that simple.
Simply put, prophetic art is "creating art with God". It's this beautiful dance where as artists, we do the thing that God has put on our heart through our creative process. He flows through us by the power of the Holy Spirit in order to inspire us, bring fulfillment to us in our unique design and release His transformative nature through us to touch the world around us. As our artistic skills increase, our capacity to flow with God is enlarged. And as our ability to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit is sharpened, our art becomes much more than just the sum of materials, tools and techniques. It becomes transformative, as a means of grace.
Always remember, creating with the Holy Spirit is about process, not product, intention not necessarily the outcome. It’s about continually cultivating ears to hear, eyes to see, and senses to feel what God is saying and doing within your world. Then, respond through your chosen creative process. That's prophetic art. It's that simple.
"The essence of creating prophetic art is learning to listen with the ears of your spirit via your imagination in order to release the Light and Life of God through the work you create." - Matt Tommey
Is Art a Gift from God?
Art (including prophetic art) is absolutely a gift from God because the Bible says in James 1:17:
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
Remember, the first way God revealed Himself to humanity in the book of Genesis was as creator or artist. Then, when He created man and woman in His image as is reflectors or image bearers. As Ray Hughes said in the foreword of my first book, Unlocking the Heart of the Artist:
"God created us in His image. We have been created, by the creator, to be creative."
The question for artists - Christian or not - is "am I using the gift as intended"? God's intention is that we use the gift to glorify Him through our act of creating and collaborating with the Holy Spirit. That's where the power, anointing and transformation are found. Otherwise, like Adam and Cain, an artist can have the gift but separate from the movement of the Holy Spirit, end up striving in their own power. Here's how I unpack this concept in Unlocking the Heart of the Artist:
"After the fall, God didn’t remove the gift of creativity from humanity but Adam’s sin built a wall and brought a curse. Adam went from thriving by God’s grace to striving in his own strength under a curse of painful toil and sweat. Unfortunately, he also passed that same pattern on to his sons.
Jesus’ finished work on the cross redeemed you from the curse and restored the full inheritance of the Kingdom to you. You don’t have to walk under the curse of striving on your own. If you do, it’s completely your choice and the result of an unrenewed mind.
In the new covenant, you can use your creativity and live your life empowered by the Holy Spirit with access to every resource in the storehouse of heaven.
Every resource, relationship, opportunity and idea are already yours in the Kingdom. All the provision you’ll ever need is already provided for you in abundance.
God’s original intent for your creativity is that it be the engine through which you co-labor with Him to see His beauty, nature and Kingdom fill the earth. Creative expression absent the power and presence of God is often beautiful but rarely transformative.
God’s gift of creativity is His investment in you. How you operate that powerful engine is up to you. You can choose to walk as a son - receiving everything you need by faith that God has provided by grace - or as an orphan - begging and striving because you believe it’s all up to you."
Matt Tommey - Unlocking the Heart of the Artist
Art (including prophetic art) is absolutely a gift from God because the Bible says in James 1:17:
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
Remember, the first way God revealed Himself to humanity in the book of Genesis was as creator or artist. Then, when He created man and woman in His image as is reflectors or image bearers. As Ray Hughes said in the foreword of my first book, Unlocking the Heart of the Artist:
"God created us in His image. We have been created, by the creator, to be creative."
The question for artists - Christian or not - is "am I using the gift as intended"? God's intention is that we use the gift to glorify Him through our act of creating and collaborating with the Holy Spirit. That's where the power, anointing and transformation are found. Otherwise, like Adam and Cain, an artist can have the gift but separate from the movement of the Holy Spirit, end up striving in their own power. Here's how I unpack this concept in Unlocking the Heart of the Artist:
"After the fall, God didn’t remove the gift of creativity from humanity but Adam’s sin built a wall and brought a curse. Adam went from thriving by God’s grace to striving in his own strength under a curse of painful toil and sweat. Unfortunately, he also passed that same pattern on to his sons.
Jesus’ finished work on the cross redeemed you from the curse and restored the full inheritance of the Kingdom to you. You don’t have to walk under the curse of striving on your own. If you do, it’s completely your choice and the result of an unrenewed mind.
In the new covenant, you can use your creativity and live your life empowered by the Holy Spirit with access to every resource in the storehouse of heaven.
Every resource, relationship, opportunity and idea are already yours in the Kingdom. All the provision you’ll ever need is already provided for you in abundance.
God’s original intent for your creativity is that it be the engine through which you co-labor with Him to see His beauty, nature and Kingdom fill the earth. Creative expression absent the power and presence of God is often beautiful but rarely transformative.
God’s gift of creativity is His investment in you. How you operate that powerful engine is up to you. You can choose to walk as a son - receiving everything you need by faith that God has provided by grace - or as an orphan - begging and striving because you believe it’s all up to you."
Matt Tommey - Unlocking the Heart of the Artist

How does God Inspire Artists to Create Prophetic Art?
God inspires artists to create prophetic art in a variety of ways because each artist is uniquely created. What inspire me may not inspire you, and vice versa. To think that all artists are inspired in the same way is to limit how God speaks to us as artists.
As artists, we all create from the inspiration that we're continually collecting, cultivating, and curating in what I like to call our Creative Well. A well that frequently needs to be filled so that it is always ready to release a fresh flow of inspiration when you need it.
The idea of an inner source of creativity is one that most artists identify with on a visceral level, although not always able to articulate. Julia Cameron, in her incredible book The Artist’s Way, gives voice to this concept. She describes this source as an inner reservoir or well that must be refilled in order to release a fresh flow of inspiration when you need it. This well holds the inspiration we collect, cultivate, and curate throughout our lives. I love that because many artists assume that their creative well is going to refill itself. It won’t. We must be as intentional about cultivating inspiration as we are about creating the expression of it. Make it a daily practice to note the things that inspire you and intentionally focus on them. This intentional and focused practice will release a fresh flow of Spirit-led creativity when you do get in the studio.
As I have sought to understand this beautiful concept, The Holy Spirit revealed a number of important ideas regarding how inspiration must be cultivated and stewarded in our life. Central to my understanding is that the Holy Spirit moves over all the inspiration we sow into our heart and mind, allowing us to co-labor with Him in the creative process. As we are continually filled with His Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) both personally and artistically we create from a place of overflow.
Like the woman at the well, we often approach our creativity outside of a life-giving relationship with Jesus. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not always out of impure motives. Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. And so, we show up doing the best we can with what know at the time, even though we might feel defeated, marginalized, or unworthy. We look for the flowing water of inspiration but find it fleeting. Our cisterns are broken, and our wells have run dry. Some often describe this as experiencing “creative block”. Your Creative Well is just going to fill itself. In reality, you have got to be as intentional about cultivating inspiration as you do about creating the expression of that inspiration. Find that thing that fills you up inspirationally and focus on it. Make it a daily priority in your life. Be intentional about this so that you can release that fresh flow of creativity when you do get in the studio.
That doesn’t have to be your normal! Jesus offers us a flowing river of living water. He alone is the well that never runs dry. He is the source of all creativity and the one who desires to release His creative flow in and through our life. We cooperate with this process by intentionally entering his presence, being continually filled with the Holy Spirit and creating with Him. As we create with Him, look for inspiration, listen for His voice and cultivate a sense of wonder in our life, we will find a never-ending river of creative inspiration flowing through our life.
Our Search For Inspiration Begins in God
God is creative and we are created in His image. Therefore, we are creative, we are artists. And if the source of all creativity is God, then our search for ultimate creativity must be rooted and grounded in Him. Our search for creativity at the end of the day is really our search for the fullness of God in and through our life.
When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we become what the Bible calls “new creations” through the power of the Holy Spirit. The fullness of that identity is activated in our life through faith. We don’t have to do anything to be a new creation other than receive the gift from the Father by faith. He’s already done all the work. For each of us, our life as a new creation is different, based on how He has wired us.
The same is true when we begin to tap into the creativity of Heaven to create new physical creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). The creative DNA of Heaven living inside of us is always active, always on, always ready for us to access (John 5:16ff). When we are in the realm of Christ, through our faith – agreeing with what God says is true – we activate the flow of Heaven’s creativity through our life. Inspired by the movement of the Holy Spirit in, around and through us, we create.
Ideas for Creative Inspiration
So what is it that inspires you? What makes your heart sing? What gives you that feeling of joy, fulfillment and connection to God like none other? Whatever it is, do it! For many prophetic artists, some inspirational activities include:
Give yourself the gift of creative space by scheduling time for yourself and your art. I was first encouraged to do this in my life after reading Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way. This can be a time where you pull away to feed your heart - to engage in activities that draw out the creativity from your life. It can also be a time for creating in the studio, dreaming with God and being inspired in His presence.
Sometimes it's as simple as going to an art supply warehouse and browsing, visiting a museum, having an extended time of "studio time", watching a great movie, etc. Other times it can be walking through the woods and enjoying the silence of the moment. Don't skimp on this! You'll be surprised when and where the Lord begins speaking to you. The most important things is to intentionally create a space for yourself to enjoy your creativity and celebrate the gift of God within you.
God inspires artists to create prophetic art in a variety of ways because each artist is uniquely created. What inspire me may not inspire you, and vice versa. To think that all artists are inspired in the same way is to limit how God speaks to us as artists.
As artists, we all create from the inspiration that we're continually collecting, cultivating, and curating in what I like to call our Creative Well. A well that frequently needs to be filled so that it is always ready to release a fresh flow of inspiration when you need it.
The idea of an inner source of creativity is one that most artists identify with on a visceral level, although not always able to articulate. Julia Cameron, in her incredible book The Artist’s Way, gives voice to this concept. She describes this source as an inner reservoir or well that must be refilled in order to release a fresh flow of inspiration when you need it. This well holds the inspiration we collect, cultivate, and curate throughout our lives. I love that because many artists assume that their creative well is going to refill itself. It won’t. We must be as intentional about cultivating inspiration as we are about creating the expression of it. Make it a daily practice to note the things that inspire you and intentionally focus on them. This intentional and focused practice will release a fresh flow of Spirit-led creativity when you do get in the studio.
As I have sought to understand this beautiful concept, The Holy Spirit revealed a number of important ideas regarding how inspiration must be cultivated and stewarded in our life. Central to my understanding is that the Holy Spirit moves over all the inspiration we sow into our heart and mind, allowing us to co-labor with Him in the creative process. As we are continually filled with His Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) both personally and artistically we create from a place of overflow.
Like the woman at the well, we often approach our creativity outside of a life-giving relationship with Jesus. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not always out of impure motives. Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. And so, we show up doing the best we can with what know at the time, even though we might feel defeated, marginalized, or unworthy. We look for the flowing water of inspiration but find it fleeting. Our cisterns are broken, and our wells have run dry. Some often describe this as experiencing “creative block”. Your Creative Well is just going to fill itself. In reality, you have got to be as intentional about cultivating inspiration as you do about creating the expression of that inspiration. Find that thing that fills you up inspirationally and focus on it. Make it a daily priority in your life. Be intentional about this so that you can release that fresh flow of creativity when you do get in the studio.
That doesn’t have to be your normal! Jesus offers us a flowing river of living water. He alone is the well that never runs dry. He is the source of all creativity and the one who desires to release His creative flow in and through our life. We cooperate with this process by intentionally entering his presence, being continually filled with the Holy Spirit and creating with Him. As we create with Him, look for inspiration, listen for His voice and cultivate a sense of wonder in our life, we will find a never-ending river of creative inspiration flowing through our life.
Our Search For Inspiration Begins in God
God is creative and we are created in His image. Therefore, we are creative, we are artists. And if the source of all creativity is God, then our search for ultimate creativity must be rooted and grounded in Him. Our search for creativity at the end of the day is really our search for the fullness of God in and through our life.
When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we become what the Bible calls “new creations” through the power of the Holy Spirit. The fullness of that identity is activated in our life through faith. We don’t have to do anything to be a new creation other than receive the gift from the Father by faith. He’s already done all the work. For each of us, our life as a new creation is different, based on how He has wired us.
The same is true when we begin to tap into the creativity of Heaven to create new physical creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). The creative DNA of Heaven living inside of us is always active, always on, always ready for us to access (John 5:16ff). When we are in the realm of Christ, through our faith – agreeing with what God says is true – we activate the flow of Heaven’s creativity through our life. Inspired by the movement of the Holy Spirit in, around and through us, we create.
Ideas for Creative Inspiration
So what is it that inspires you? What makes your heart sing? What gives you that feeling of joy, fulfillment and connection to God like none other? Whatever it is, do it! For many prophetic artists, some inspirational activities include:
- Extended time in God's presence
- Reading God's Word
- Going to an art supply store and getting lost among the supplies
- Visiting a local museum or art exhibition
- Spending time perusing art books at a local bookstore
- Looking through Instagram or Pinterest at the work of other artists
- Taking a walk in the woods to enjoy the beauty of creation
- Daydreaming on the porch
- Gardening
- The Contemplative Practices of Imago Divina and/or Lecto Divina
- Spending time sketching ideas in your art journal
Give yourself the gift of creative space by scheduling time for yourself and your art. I was first encouraged to do this in my life after reading Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way. This can be a time where you pull away to feed your heart - to engage in activities that draw out the creativity from your life. It can also be a time for creating in the studio, dreaming with God and being inspired in His presence.
Sometimes it's as simple as going to an art supply warehouse and browsing, visiting a museum, having an extended time of "studio time", watching a great movie, etc. Other times it can be walking through the woods and enjoying the silence of the moment. Don't skimp on this! You'll be surprised when and where the Lord begins speaking to you. The most important things is to intentionally create a space for yourself to enjoy your creativity and celebrate the gift of God within you.

My Own Journey of Inspiration
I've been making baskets and woven sculpture since the mid 1990's but strangely, it’s never really been about making baskets. My love for creating, my compulsion to make has always been about my passion for nature and the connection I sense when I’m engaged with it. Even as a child, I spent my days romping through the woods, collecting anything and everything that seemed interesting to me. From rocks and branches, to bones and turtle shells they all spoke to me in a special way. These beautiful natural treasures still call to me, asking me to take them to another level, combine with other elements and celebrate their beauty. For me, it’s a supernatural experience.
When I started making baskets, it was all about mastering traditional Appalachian forms like the egg basket using extremely non-traditional materials like kudzu vines. Over time, my interest in other invasive plants and varied materials expanded, leading me to incorporate additional elements in my work like copper, encaustic wax, clay and more.
Since my love for nature has always been the main inspiration for my work, it was only natural that my work turn in a sculptural direction in order to create nature-inspired forms. These organic and elegant creations are the current focus of my work. It is my great passion to create sculptural works for the home that reflect the simple beauty of nature.
How Does Inspiration Manifest in Prophetic Art?
Many times, inspiration will come as gently as a summer breeze, or as forcefully as a fireworks explosion! There are no rules. Just be ready and expectant for things like:
Most importantly, keep these inspirational ideas in a journal or sketchbook so you can revisit and meditate on the inspiration flowing into your life.
Prophetic Art is About Stewardship
Remember the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 and the guy who didn't do anything with his talents? The Bible says he actually hid his talents in the ground. His lack of multiplication wasn't because of his lack of ability, but his lack of belief. He told the master of the field "I knew you to be a hard man..." In other words, I believed I couldn't live up to your standards, so I just didn't even try.
My friend, your belief about what’s possible, who God is and who you are in relationship to all of those beliefs defines your reality.
Just like the men in the Parable of the Talents, you are I are responsible for the revelation God entrusts to us. It’s literally a Kingdom investment that the Father is putting inside of you, waiting to see what you do with it. That investment has the ability to grow, produce, multiply and expand when mixed with faith or it can just sit dormant. Remember, God’s Word says in Proverbs 25:2 NIV “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.”
The more you use, practice and enlarge your gift of creating art, the more God will entrust to you. The more you're entrusted with, the more you'll see God show up in, on and through your creative expression.
I've been making baskets and woven sculpture since the mid 1990's but strangely, it’s never really been about making baskets. My love for creating, my compulsion to make has always been about my passion for nature and the connection I sense when I’m engaged with it. Even as a child, I spent my days romping through the woods, collecting anything and everything that seemed interesting to me. From rocks and branches, to bones and turtle shells they all spoke to me in a special way. These beautiful natural treasures still call to me, asking me to take them to another level, combine with other elements and celebrate their beauty. For me, it’s a supernatural experience.
When I started making baskets, it was all about mastering traditional Appalachian forms like the egg basket using extremely non-traditional materials like kudzu vines. Over time, my interest in other invasive plants and varied materials expanded, leading me to incorporate additional elements in my work like copper, encaustic wax, clay and more.
Since my love for nature has always been the main inspiration for my work, it was only natural that my work turn in a sculptural direction in order to create nature-inspired forms. These organic and elegant creations are the current focus of my work. It is my great passion to create sculptural works for the home that reflect the simple beauty of nature.
How Does Inspiration Manifest in Prophetic Art?
Many times, inspiration will come as gently as a summer breeze, or as forcefully as a fireworks explosion! There are no rules. Just be ready and expectant for things like:
- Coincidences
- Internal Pictures
- A Deep Knowing or Intuition
- The Desire to Revisit a Past Creative Idea
Most importantly, keep these inspirational ideas in a journal or sketchbook so you can revisit and meditate on the inspiration flowing into your life.
Prophetic Art is About Stewardship
Remember the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 and the guy who didn't do anything with his talents? The Bible says he actually hid his talents in the ground. His lack of multiplication wasn't because of his lack of ability, but his lack of belief. He told the master of the field "I knew you to be a hard man..." In other words, I believed I couldn't live up to your standards, so I just didn't even try.
My friend, your belief about what’s possible, who God is and who you are in relationship to all of those beliefs defines your reality.
Just like the men in the Parable of the Talents, you are I are responsible for the revelation God entrusts to us. It’s literally a Kingdom investment that the Father is putting inside of you, waiting to see what you do with it. That investment has the ability to grow, produce, multiply and expand when mixed with faith or it can just sit dormant. Remember, God’s Word says in Proverbs 25:2 NIV “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.”
The more you use, practice and enlarge your gift of creating art, the more God will entrust to you. The more you're entrusted with, the more you'll see God show up in, on and through your creative expression.

How Does God Use Prophetic Art?
God uses art we create in a variety of ways in order to release His light and life. One of the best metaphors I love to use is that of a table. Our artwork literally becomes, as in Psalm 23, a table prepared to nourish those who come and sit before the King in the presence of everything that seeks to kill, suppress and confuse them.
Oh to think of it! That the overflow of your life, the very expression of your heart and hands would be used as a demonstration of the transforming love of God. You see my friend, prophetic art and beauty are not ornamental, as some out suppose. They are essential for all life because it is through them that we touch the very nature of the creator God.
Prophetic art should never be forced into typical, representational Christian metaphor just to fit within preconceived notions of what it should or shouldn't look like. The exciting thing about art is the mystery: of creation and of interpretation. How beautiful that God can use prophetic art in so many different ways! The possibilities are endless.
I've seen God show up in such incredible ways through my own artwork over the years. From ushering in the presence of God through a song I wrote, to lives being changed through the words I've written, God is faithful to use the work of our hands for His glory!
Once, when I was doing a "meet and greet" demonstration at a local gallery, a man approached me as he looked at my work. One piece in particular drew him in. As if transfixed on the piece, he exclaimed "It's like the hands of God are reaching out saying I have everything under control!" I was astonished and yet not surprised. That's how God works! He uses the foolish and unseemly things in like to speak to those who are listening. Why not me? Why not my art?
What is the Spiritual Function of Art?
Art, like any other created means, is a vehicle for the presence of God to move in and through. Art (including prophetic art) functions almost as a stealth language by which God can speak to the viewer in beautiful ways that bypass the normal cognitive, left-brain processing of information. Art speaks directly to the emotion, beauty and desire portions of our brain.
God can and will use your prophetic art to:
God also uses the creative process to move as well in the life of the artist. As an artist creates, God uses the act of creating to speak, heal, convict, draw and lead. Consider David for example. More than likely, He used music and poetry to bring peace to his soul and work out His issues with God. We see it throughout the Psalms of how he starts off complaining and by the end he is rejoicing in God. We also know from much research that creativity is often used in a cathartic sort of way to help people process and move through trauma, addiction, abuse and other life-dominating issues.
What are Some Types and Purposes of Prophetic Art?
Prophetic art encompasses a range of types and purposes, going beyond simply illustrating a sermon or creating a biblically-themed piece of art. Here's a few of the diverse types and purposes of prophetic art you might want to consider:
1. Illustrative Prophetic Art: This type of prophetic art can visually depict and enhance a message being delivered in a sermon or teaching, serving as a visual aid to help individuals better understand and engage with the spoken word. Sometimes it happens intentionally and sometimes it happens spontaneously.
2. Spiritual Insight Prophetic Art: These creations allow the artist to convey profound understanding and revelation about spiritual concepts, deepening their connection with God. They often serve as a representation of God's heart for a person, even crossing over into words of wisdom, words of knowledge and the foretelling of the future.
3. Healing Prophetic Art: Art can be a powerful tool for healing and restoration. This type of prophetic art is aimed at bringing comfort, encouragement, and restoration to individuals who may be experiencing emotional or physical pain. I've even seen God use art as the means by which someone is healed when they look at it, experience it or listen to it, regardless of the creative medium.
4. Intercessory Prophetic Art: Through this form of prophetic art, artists create visual representations of prayers and declarations to intercede on behalf of individuals, communities, or even nations. The artwork serves as a tangible expression of intercession and a means to engage in spiritual warfare. My friend Jorne Lange has a great book on this subject listed below.
5. Prophetic Revelation Prophetic Art: These works convey visions, dreams, or messages received directly from God. They often contain symbols, colors, or images that hold significant spiritual meaning, revealing God's heart and His plans for individuals or situations. They serve as beautiful declarations of God's heart for people through art, revealing things which are to come. Providing confidence and encouragement.
6. Proclamation Prophetic Art: In this type of prophetic art, visual imagery is used to proclaim God's truth, promises, and Kingdom principles. It serves as a powerful means of proclaiming and declaring His Word to those who view it. This kind of art becomes a declarative statement of God's Kingdom, inspiring people to build their faith and step toward all God has for them.
7. Intimacy Prophetic Art: Through art, individuals can express their personal encounters and experiences with God, reflecting the deep intimacy they have developed with Him. These artworks invite others to enter into a similar intimate relationship with God. They can also serve as personal forms of spiritual processing that have no intention or need to ever be displayed publicly. They are pieces of art created with the Holy Spirit for the benefit of the artist.
8. Evangelistic Prophetic Art: Art has a unique ability to engage people who may not be receptive to traditional forms of evangelism. This form of prophetic art aims to capture the attention of individuals, drawing them into the message of God's love and redemption. YWAM and other evangelistic outreach organizations have used art as an tool for leading others to Christ for years. Even in moments, when artists are out on the street, in a part or at a gallery doing a demonstration, God can use their life, work and process to draw others into conversation and have a supernatural encounter with Him.
9. Transformational Prophetic Art: This type of art is created with the intention of initiating transformation and spiritual growth in individuals, communities, or even society as a whole. It serves as a catalyst for change, inspiring viewers to pursue a deeper relationship with God and experience personal transformation. Especially in today's world where cultural transformation is so needed, artists have a vital role to play in allowing the Holy Spirit to use their creative voice to spark and fuel meaningful transformation.
It is important to note that these types of prophetic art can overlap and multiple purposes can be attained through a single artwork. Furthermore, the interpretation of prophetic art can vary, as God can convey multiple messages through one visual image.
Your Calling as an Artist in God's Kingdom
As an artist in the Kingdom, and more importantly a child of God, it is vital that you realize you were created for greatness in the image of your Father! The spirit of excellence, power and healing that resides in His very DNA resides in you. The very creativity that dreamed and formed everything you know as life today is your inheritance in Christ. Through your salvation in Him, you now have a new DNA that has been downloaded into the core of who you are.
The first picture of an artist like this is a guy named Bezalel. What a guy! Plucked out of obscurity it would seem and elevated at the right time to the place of influence God had designed for him. As you read the scripture verses, try to imagine what kind of person and artist Bezalel must have been!
I love digging deep and finding the meanings of words in the Bible. In reading this scripture selection, here’s what I found: “See, I have called” (to publicly proclaim) “Bezalel” (in the shadow or protection of God's), son of “Uri” (the fiery one, light, prophetic revelation), the son of “Hur” (white or pure), of the tribe of “Judah” (praise)" and I have “filled” (overflowing) him with the “Spirit” (breath or wind) of God, with wisdom, with “understanding” (skillful discernment), with “knowledge” (an intimate knowing) and in all manner of “craftsmanship” (occupation or work, as an ambassador, angel or messenger). Wow, what a picture!
I took those descriptive words and created a paraphrase that might give you a clearer picture of your calling as an artist. Here it is:
Our identity as artists is that of sons and daughters, publicly affirmed and sent by the Father to walk as fiery torches of prophetic revelation in the earth while creating from a place of purity and praise in the shadow and protection of God's presence. In that place, we have been given an overflowing impartation of the living breath of God and brought into His intimate presence to be sent as divinely equipped prophetic messengers, carrying His authority.
Just like Bezalel, you been specifically designed and called by God to be an artist, an image-bearer, a glory-releaser in the earth. You’ve been designed to co-labor with the Father in releasing His Kingdom out of a place of intimacy and purity with Him. Meditate on your calling today and reflect in your own journal about what that means for your own life.
God uses art we create in a variety of ways in order to release His light and life. One of the best metaphors I love to use is that of a table. Our artwork literally becomes, as in Psalm 23, a table prepared to nourish those who come and sit before the King in the presence of everything that seeks to kill, suppress and confuse them.
Oh to think of it! That the overflow of your life, the very expression of your heart and hands would be used as a demonstration of the transforming love of God. You see my friend, prophetic art and beauty are not ornamental, as some out suppose. They are essential for all life because it is through them that we touch the very nature of the creator God.
Prophetic art should never be forced into typical, representational Christian metaphor just to fit within preconceived notions of what it should or shouldn't look like. The exciting thing about art is the mystery: of creation and of interpretation. How beautiful that God can use prophetic art in so many different ways! The possibilities are endless.
I've seen God show up in such incredible ways through my own artwork over the years. From ushering in the presence of God through a song I wrote, to lives being changed through the words I've written, God is faithful to use the work of our hands for His glory!
Once, when I was doing a "meet and greet" demonstration at a local gallery, a man approached me as he looked at my work. One piece in particular drew him in. As if transfixed on the piece, he exclaimed "It's like the hands of God are reaching out saying I have everything under control!" I was astonished and yet not surprised. That's how God works! He uses the foolish and unseemly things in like to speak to those who are listening. Why not me? Why not my art?
What is the Spiritual Function of Art?
Art, like any other created means, is a vehicle for the presence of God to move in and through. Art (including prophetic art) functions almost as a stealth language by which God can speak to the viewer in beautiful ways that bypass the normal cognitive, left-brain processing of information. Art speaks directly to the emotion, beauty and desire portions of our brain.
God can and will use your prophetic art to:
- Reveal God's Beauty & Nature
- Demonstrate a Kingdom Truth in a Fresh and Unusual Way
- Bring Healing Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually or Mentally.
- Awaken Revelation by the Spirit
- Quicken Conviction of the Holy Spirit
- Offer Salvation to Someone Who Doesn't Yet Know the Lord
- Confirm the Ongoing Work of the Spirit in Someone's Life
God also uses the creative process to move as well in the life of the artist. As an artist creates, God uses the act of creating to speak, heal, convict, draw and lead. Consider David for example. More than likely, He used music and poetry to bring peace to his soul and work out His issues with God. We see it throughout the Psalms of how he starts off complaining and by the end he is rejoicing in God. We also know from much research that creativity is often used in a cathartic sort of way to help people process and move through trauma, addiction, abuse and other life-dominating issues.
What are Some Types and Purposes of Prophetic Art?
Prophetic art encompasses a range of types and purposes, going beyond simply illustrating a sermon or creating a biblically-themed piece of art. Here's a few of the diverse types and purposes of prophetic art you might want to consider:
1. Illustrative Prophetic Art: This type of prophetic art can visually depict and enhance a message being delivered in a sermon or teaching, serving as a visual aid to help individuals better understand and engage with the spoken word. Sometimes it happens intentionally and sometimes it happens spontaneously.
2. Spiritual Insight Prophetic Art: These creations allow the artist to convey profound understanding and revelation about spiritual concepts, deepening their connection with God. They often serve as a representation of God's heart for a person, even crossing over into words of wisdom, words of knowledge and the foretelling of the future.
3. Healing Prophetic Art: Art can be a powerful tool for healing and restoration. This type of prophetic art is aimed at bringing comfort, encouragement, and restoration to individuals who may be experiencing emotional or physical pain. I've even seen God use art as the means by which someone is healed when they look at it, experience it or listen to it, regardless of the creative medium.
4. Intercessory Prophetic Art: Through this form of prophetic art, artists create visual representations of prayers and declarations to intercede on behalf of individuals, communities, or even nations. The artwork serves as a tangible expression of intercession and a means to engage in spiritual warfare. My friend Jorne Lange has a great book on this subject listed below.
5. Prophetic Revelation Prophetic Art: These works convey visions, dreams, or messages received directly from God. They often contain symbols, colors, or images that hold significant spiritual meaning, revealing God's heart and His plans for individuals or situations. They serve as beautiful declarations of God's heart for people through art, revealing things which are to come. Providing confidence and encouragement.
6. Proclamation Prophetic Art: In this type of prophetic art, visual imagery is used to proclaim God's truth, promises, and Kingdom principles. It serves as a powerful means of proclaiming and declaring His Word to those who view it. This kind of art becomes a declarative statement of God's Kingdom, inspiring people to build their faith and step toward all God has for them.
7. Intimacy Prophetic Art: Through art, individuals can express their personal encounters and experiences with God, reflecting the deep intimacy they have developed with Him. These artworks invite others to enter into a similar intimate relationship with God. They can also serve as personal forms of spiritual processing that have no intention or need to ever be displayed publicly. They are pieces of art created with the Holy Spirit for the benefit of the artist.
8. Evangelistic Prophetic Art: Art has a unique ability to engage people who may not be receptive to traditional forms of evangelism. This form of prophetic art aims to capture the attention of individuals, drawing them into the message of God's love and redemption. YWAM and other evangelistic outreach organizations have used art as an tool for leading others to Christ for years. Even in moments, when artists are out on the street, in a part or at a gallery doing a demonstration, God can use their life, work and process to draw others into conversation and have a supernatural encounter with Him.
9. Transformational Prophetic Art: This type of art is created with the intention of initiating transformation and spiritual growth in individuals, communities, or even society as a whole. It serves as a catalyst for change, inspiring viewers to pursue a deeper relationship with God and experience personal transformation. Especially in today's world where cultural transformation is so needed, artists have a vital role to play in allowing the Holy Spirit to use their creative voice to spark and fuel meaningful transformation.
It is important to note that these types of prophetic art can overlap and multiple purposes can be attained through a single artwork. Furthermore, the interpretation of prophetic art can vary, as God can convey multiple messages through one visual image.
Your Calling as an Artist in God's Kingdom
As an artist in the Kingdom, and more importantly a child of God, it is vital that you realize you were created for greatness in the image of your Father! The spirit of excellence, power and healing that resides in His very DNA resides in you. The very creativity that dreamed and formed everything you know as life today is your inheritance in Christ. Through your salvation in Him, you now have a new DNA that has been downloaded into the core of who you are.
The first picture of an artist like this is a guy named Bezalel. What a guy! Plucked out of obscurity it would seem and elevated at the right time to the place of influence God had designed for him. As you read the scripture verses, try to imagine what kind of person and artist Bezalel must have been!
I love digging deep and finding the meanings of words in the Bible. In reading this scripture selection, here’s what I found: “See, I have called” (to publicly proclaim) “Bezalel” (in the shadow or protection of God's), son of “Uri” (the fiery one, light, prophetic revelation), the son of “Hur” (white or pure), of the tribe of “Judah” (praise)" and I have “filled” (overflowing) him with the “Spirit” (breath or wind) of God, with wisdom, with “understanding” (skillful discernment), with “knowledge” (an intimate knowing) and in all manner of “craftsmanship” (occupation or work, as an ambassador, angel or messenger). Wow, what a picture!
I took those descriptive words and created a paraphrase that might give you a clearer picture of your calling as an artist. Here it is:
Our identity as artists is that of sons and daughters, publicly affirmed and sent by the Father to walk as fiery torches of prophetic revelation in the earth while creating from a place of purity and praise in the shadow and protection of God's presence. In that place, we have been given an overflowing impartation of the living breath of God and brought into His intimate presence to be sent as divinely equipped prophetic messengers, carrying His authority.
Just like Bezalel, you been specifically designed and called by God to be an artist, an image-bearer, a glory-releaser in the earth. You’ve been designed to co-labor with the Father in releasing His Kingdom out of a place of intimacy and purity with Him. Meditate on your calling today and reflect in your own journal about what that means for your own life.

A Biblical Basis for Prophetic Art
All throughout the Bible, God used people to create things, demonstrations and environments that He would use in the context of revealing His Glory, Beauty, Nature and Kingdom to the earth.
Consider these Biblical examples:
If God would choose to use a donkey and make Him talk, SURELY you can believe that God can and will use your prophetic art for His Glory!
Prophetic Art Calls Order Out of Chaos
Just like God did on the day of creation as recorded in Genesis 1, we are called to come into chaos, bringing order and transformation into them as we release of the creative nature of God.
In addition to bringing order and transformation to those things that are in chaos, our role as creative ones is also to be door keepers of the presence of God in the earth.
What does that mean?
It means we are called to release the presence of God in the earth through our creative expression and facilitate experiences where people can encounter the life and light of God as a part of their everyday existence.
This is the nature of the Kingdom!
Otherwise, what else are we supposed to be doing? When you reduce the Christian life to going to church and following a bunch of rules that you can never live up too, you embrace a dead form and deny the very power Jesus imparted to us through the cross, by the Spirit.
Your creative expression literally carries the life and light of God when you co-labor with the Spirit in your creative release.
Prophetic Art is Light in the Darkness
Remember in John 1:1 God is light and life and everything that was created was created through the Word, Jesus. Then in Genesis 1 God released his nature – Light - into the chaotic darkness and transformation occurred.
Just as sons and daughters of the Creator God are made in his image, so our creative expression carries His transformative nature through our prophetic voice. That process happens like everything in the Kingdom happens, by faith because faith IS the substance or the tangible evidence that the things we’ve seen, felt and heard in the Spirit realm are actually real. Our role is to bring them into the earth realm and allow our creative expression to be a conduit for the mountain moving power of God to be released.
Now, the degree to which we get to do this in our life is not a matter of God playing favorites, but it’s based on stewarding well the gifting God has invested in us. The more you enlarge your capacity for his presence by becoming excellent at what you do, the more the father will entrust to you.
That’s how you grow in the Kingdom.
All throughout the Bible, God used people to create things, demonstrations and environments that He would use in the context of revealing His Glory, Beauty, Nature and Kingdom to the earth.
Consider these Biblical examples:
- Noah created an ark that rescued humanity and the animals in order to fulfill God's redemptive and restorative plan.
- Bezalel led a team that created the Tabernacle of Moses, becoming God's dwelling place among His people.
- Moses threw down a wooden staff that supernaturally became a serpent in front of the Pharaoh.
- David created his Tabernacle with 24/7 worship for 30+ years that became the place where God's presence would abide with his people.
- Solomon created the Temple including all the symbolic furniture and items inside, which served as the center of worship for the people of God.
- Psalm 19 says the Heavens declare the glory of God and the earth shows forth His handiwork.
- Balaam's donkey literally spoke to him while enabled by the Spirit of God.
- Jeremiah used the analogy of the potter and the clay to demonstrate God's forming, guiding hands in the lives of the Israelites.
- Hosea who married a prostitute in order to bring the reality of God's love into tangible form.
- Jesus spit into the dirt, made a mud ball and used it as a vehicle of restoration for someone's eye.
If God would choose to use a donkey and make Him talk, SURELY you can believe that God can and will use your prophetic art for His Glory!
Prophetic Art Calls Order Out of Chaos
Just like God did on the day of creation as recorded in Genesis 1, we are called to come into chaos, bringing order and transformation into them as we release of the creative nature of God.
In addition to bringing order and transformation to those things that are in chaos, our role as creative ones is also to be door keepers of the presence of God in the earth.
What does that mean?
It means we are called to release the presence of God in the earth through our creative expression and facilitate experiences where people can encounter the life and light of God as a part of their everyday existence.
This is the nature of the Kingdom!
Otherwise, what else are we supposed to be doing? When you reduce the Christian life to going to church and following a bunch of rules that you can never live up too, you embrace a dead form and deny the very power Jesus imparted to us through the cross, by the Spirit.
Your creative expression literally carries the life and light of God when you co-labor with the Spirit in your creative release.
Prophetic Art is Light in the Darkness
Remember in John 1:1 God is light and life and everything that was created was created through the Word, Jesus. Then in Genesis 1 God released his nature – Light - into the chaotic darkness and transformation occurred.
Just as sons and daughters of the Creator God are made in his image, so our creative expression carries His transformative nature through our prophetic voice. That process happens like everything in the Kingdom happens, by faith because faith IS the substance or the tangible evidence that the things we’ve seen, felt and heard in the Spirit realm are actually real. Our role is to bring them into the earth realm and allow our creative expression to be a conduit for the mountain moving power of God to be released.
Now, the degree to which we get to do this in our life is not a matter of God playing favorites, but it’s based on stewarding well the gifting God has invested in us. The more you enlarge your capacity for his presence by becoming excellent at what you do, the more the father will entrust to you.
That’s how you grow in the Kingdom.

The History of Prophetic Art
The famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach said:
"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul."
Rembrandt said "A painting is complete when it has the shadows of God." and "Painting is the grandchild of nature. It is related to God."
French author, Andre Gide said "Art is a collaboration between God and artist, and the less the artist does, the better."
There is a rich heritage of artists throughout history who connected their work with the divine inspiration of God. From the earliest years of Christianity (and prior to Jesus in the Jewish tradition), artists and artisans worked in tandem with religious leaders in order to create works of art and environments where people could experience the beauty and majesty of God. Much of this found it's home in houses of worship where sculptures like Michaelangelo's Pieta and others are so majestically displayed. Michaelangelo in particular had a very strong spiritual connection with his work, stating:
"Art is the gift of God and must be used to His glory. That in art is highest which aims at this."
Unfortunately, when the protestant reformation came on the scene, much of the culture of creating art for the glory of God was severely diminished or even lost.
The famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach said:
"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul."
Rembrandt said "A painting is complete when it has the shadows of God." and "Painting is the grandchild of nature. It is related to God."
French author, Andre Gide said "Art is a collaboration between God and artist, and the less the artist does, the better."
There is a rich heritage of artists throughout history who connected their work with the divine inspiration of God. From the earliest years of Christianity (and prior to Jesus in the Jewish tradition), artists and artisans worked in tandem with religious leaders in order to create works of art and environments where people could experience the beauty and majesty of God. Much of this found it's home in houses of worship where sculptures like Michaelangelo's Pieta and others are so majestically displayed. Michaelangelo in particular had a very strong spiritual connection with his work, stating:
"Art is the gift of God and must be used to His glory. That in art is highest which aims at this."
Unfortunately, when the protestant reformation came on the scene, much of the culture of creating art for the glory of God was severely diminished or even lost.

That was the attitude of the church towards the arts and artists for many years with few exceptions. Once incredible exception was Aimee Semple McPherson who hosted gospel-oriented theatrical events filling her huge venue in California. These presentations were complete with choirs, an orchestra and actors. She called her messages "illustrated sermons".
Fortunately, within the last 20 years, many churches have started to embrace the role of the arts within the Church again. With that, there's been a rise of visual artists who are not only participating in the life of the church but also offering their talent and expression as acts of worship in the context of corporate worship.
I can remember back in the late 90's and early 2000's seeing artist Janice VanCronkhite in Atlanta, Georgia painting on stage during worship. I was amazed and overwhelmed and stunned by the beauty of her prophetic painting and the expressive intuition she flowed with as she painted. That's the first time I can remember ever hearing the term "prophetic art". As the years went by, those sorts of expressions have become more and more common in the life of churches, primarily Charismatic / Non-denominational. However, nowadays, it's not uncommon to find visual artists, dancers, media teams, sculptors and the like as integral parts of the worship experience in churches of every denomination and movement around the world.
Worship art has now become it's own genre of art. Artists often work with the worship team to create works of prophetic art spontaneously on stage in order to enhance the worship experience for the congregation. It's another way to visually display what God is saying to His people during worship. How beautiful!
Fortunately, within the last 20 years, many churches have started to embrace the role of the arts within the Church again. With that, there's been a rise of visual artists who are not only participating in the life of the church but also offering their talent and expression as acts of worship in the context of corporate worship.
I can remember back in the late 90's and early 2000's seeing artist Janice VanCronkhite in Atlanta, Georgia painting on stage during worship. I was amazed and overwhelmed and stunned by the beauty of her prophetic painting and the expressive intuition she flowed with as she painted. That's the first time I can remember ever hearing the term "prophetic art". As the years went by, those sorts of expressions have become more and more common in the life of churches, primarily Charismatic / Non-denominational. However, nowadays, it's not uncommon to find visual artists, dancers, media teams, sculptors and the like as integral parts of the worship experience in churches of every denomination and movement around the world.
Worship art has now become it's own genre of art. Artists often work with the worship team to create works of prophetic art spontaneously on stage in order to enhance the worship experience for the congregation. It's another way to visually display what God is saying to His people during worship. How beautiful!

How Do You Create Prophetic Art?
Most of the time, creative ideas are not the fruit of a single moment in time, but rather the result of a process. Skill development births creative freedom. Investing in relationships births intimacy. Learning to listen brings clarity to speak.
Realize that prophetic creativity is God's idea! From the very beginning of creation, His desire has been to involve you in the creative process. Just like God invited Adam to create with Him in Genesis 2:19 where it says:
19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
Isn't that a beautiful picture! The same invitation is extended to you and I as artists today! The Lord invites every artist to create with Him. Only two things are required:
As you sense God's presence and hear the nuances of His Spirit as you create, respond. God desires to meet with you in your studio more than you desire to meet with Him. If you'll simply open the door, trust me. He will come in! The key is simply to get into the studio and start working in faith! Believe that as you create, God is creating with You.
My studio is not just a place I work but rather an incubator where materials and ideas converge. It is a place of experimentation where ideas are forged and creations come to life. It is a sacred space where divine inspiration overshadows skillful hands and art is born.
Inspiration emerges in the context of the creative process. Don't wait, create!
Going Deeper
Operating prophetically is at the heart of the creative process – seeing, hearing, feeling and sensing in the Spirit and co-laboring with your unique skillset and design to birth it into tangible form. Because the nature of the creative process is the prophetic “glueing together the seen and unseen”, we should always be enlarging and sharpening our unique creative language in order to be able to hear and sense what God is saying in order to release Spirit-led Kingdom expression in ways that people can respond.
What Tools Are in Your Hands Right Now?
As you think about your own unique Kingdom design and how the Father has designed you for your Kingdom purpose, ask yourself what is in your hand right now? What is it that the Father has given you? Maybe it's:
Most of the time, creative ideas are not the fruit of a single moment in time, but rather the result of a process. Skill development births creative freedom. Investing in relationships births intimacy. Learning to listen brings clarity to speak.
Realize that prophetic creativity is God's idea! From the very beginning of creation, His desire has been to involve you in the creative process. Just like God invited Adam to create with Him in Genesis 2:19 where it says:
19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
Isn't that a beautiful picture! The same invitation is extended to you and I as artists today! The Lord invites every artist to create with Him. Only two things are required:
- Inviting Holy Spirit to Join You in the Studio
- Listening to His Voice as You're Making Art
As you sense God's presence and hear the nuances of His Spirit as you create, respond. God desires to meet with you in your studio more than you desire to meet with Him. If you'll simply open the door, trust me. He will come in! The key is simply to get into the studio and start working in faith! Believe that as you create, God is creating with You.
My studio is not just a place I work but rather an incubator where materials and ideas converge. It is a place of experimentation where ideas are forged and creations come to life. It is a sacred space where divine inspiration overshadows skillful hands and art is born.
Inspiration emerges in the context of the creative process. Don't wait, create!
Going Deeper
Operating prophetically is at the heart of the creative process – seeing, hearing, feeling and sensing in the Spirit and co-laboring with your unique skillset and design to birth it into tangible form. Because the nature of the creative process is the prophetic “glueing together the seen and unseen”, we should always be enlarging and sharpening our unique creative language in order to be able to hear and sense what God is saying in order to release Spirit-led Kingdom expression in ways that people can respond.
What Tools Are in Your Hands Right Now?
As you think about your own unique Kingdom design and how the Father has designed you for your Kingdom purpose, ask yourself what is in your hand right now? What is it that the Father has given you? Maybe it's:
- An idea
- A resource
- A tool
- A talent
- Or even a relationship

The Prophetic "Chipping Away"
Ideas that come from God are like diamonds in lumps of coal. There's a lot of potential beauty inside but much has to be chipped away and polished before it can be realized. Make sense?
So what needs to be chipped away in your ideas, process and art? What are the next steps you need to take to see that diamond begin to come forth and shine?
Don’t minimize this!
This is why we need the prophetic in our creative process, so we can sense where to move and what to do next.
Again, part of that prophetic “chipping away” is in our life too, because for all artists and Kingdom creatives, we’re on a journey of personal development, not just artistic development. We’re all growing in the gifts and talents that God’s placed within us, as led by His Spirit.
The great thing is that we’re not left alone in the process. Remember, it’s called being filled and skilled. It’s about operating at your fullest capacity, being totally filled with the Spirit of God and leveraging all the skill you have to release His Glory through your expression.
Ideas that come from God are like diamonds in lumps of coal. There's a lot of potential beauty inside but much has to be chipped away and polished before it can be realized. Make sense?
So what needs to be chipped away in your ideas, process and art? What are the next steps you need to take to see that diamond begin to come forth and shine?
Don’t minimize this!
This is why we need the prophetic in our creative process, so we can sense where to move and what to do next.
Again, part of that prophetic “chipping away” is in our life too, because for all artists and Kingdom creatives, we’re on a journey of personal development, not just artistic development. We’re all growing in the gifts and talents that God’s placed within us, as led by His Spirit.
The great thing is that we’re not left alone in the process. Remember, it’s called being filled and skilled. It’s about operating at your fullest capacity, being totally filled with the Spirit of God and leveraging all the skill you have to release His Glory through your expression.

The Process of Uncovering
Almost every artist goes through difficult seasons when the work they’ve been producing no longer resonates with their spirit. They begin to thrash around, not knowing where to go, what to pursue or what direction may be next. It’s a very frustrating yet necessary part of evolving as a creative.
I remember this season vividly as I wrestled with my work and even why I was doing basketry in the first place. “Who even cares about baskets” I thought. I was bored and needed a change. During this season, I went back to the basics and rediscovered my love for natural materials, harvesting and the beauty of how things work together. Memories started rushing back. Walks in the woods. Trips to the western coast of Scotland. Australian pods. Nests and river rocks. Everything I saw looked like a basket and that’s when things started to change.
Along my journey of rediscovery. 19th century Japanese ikebana baskets became a major source of inspiration, particularly how makers attached randomly woven nest-like baskets into knarly wisteria roots. The first one I saw on Pinterest literally caused me to cry as it evoked such deep emotion. For me, basketry ceased to be defined by techniques and functional forms. Rather, I began to see it as a language for my unique creative expression. Now, instead of just using nature as a source of materials for weaving, I was digging deeper. Nature was becoming my source of inspiration as rediscovered basketry and I’m still loving the process.
The Bible says in Proverbs 25:2 that "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, the glory of kings to search it out." I sense God's pleasure and participate with Him in the creative process as I dream, dig, uncover, stretch and create. Life is about movement. As I continue to make art that resonates with the glory of nature, I lean into the fact that everything moves, lives, breathes and exists within the breath of the Creator. God is glorified and I am fulfilled when I create with Him. The forest has captured my heart. No longer can I make things that have no spirit. I must resonate with the One who created all things and who also created me. I must reveal and reflect Him and the glory of His creation.
Almost every artist goes through difficult seasons when the work they’ve been producing no longer resonates with their spirit. They begin to thrash around, not knowing where to go, what to pursue or what direction may be next. It’s a very frustrating yet necessary part of evolving as a creative.
I remember this season vividly as I wrestled with my work and even why I was doing basketry in the first place. “Who even cares about baskets” I thought. I was bored and needed a change. During this season, I went back to the basics and rediscovered my love for natural materials, harvesting and the beauty of how things work together. Memories started rushing back. Walks in the woods. Trips to the western coast of Scotland. Australian pods. Nests and river rocks. Everything I saw looked like a basket and that’s when things started to change.
Along my journey of rediscovery. 19th century Japanese ikebana baskets became a major source of inspiration, particularly how makers attached randomly woven nest-like baskets into knarly wisteria roots. The first one I saw on Pinterest literally caused me to cry as it evoked such deep emotion. For me, basketry ceased to be defined by techniques and functional forms. Rather, I began to see it as a language for my unique creative expression. Now, instead of just using nature as a source of materials for weaving, I was digging deeper. Nature was becoming my source of inspiration as rediscovered basketry and I’m still loving the process.
The Bible says in Proverbs 25:2 that "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, the glory of kings to search it out." I sense God's pleasure and participate with Him in the creative process as I dream, dig, uncover, stretch and create. Life is about movement. As I continue to make art that resonates with the glory of nature, I lean into the fact that everything moves, lives, breathes and exists within the breath of the Creator. God is glorified and I am fulfilled when I create with Him. The forest has captured my heart. No longer can I make things that have no spirit. I must resonate with the One who created all things and who also created me. I must reveal and reflect Him and the glory of His creation.
I Am A Maker
I was made to be a maker
With busy hands and thoughts and dreams.
I see the things that no one else sees
And wonder why not me.
I begin in places not understood
Just to end in places of unexpected joy.
I dream of beauty yet manifested
And wake to craft the wind.
I hear the sounds of life blowing through ideas
As I quiet my soul and quicken my hands
To make, create and release the dreams
Of the One who dreams with me.
I am a Maker.
Copyright 2014. Matt Tommey
I was made to be a maker
With busy hands and thoughts and dreams.
I see the things that no one else sees
And wonder why not me.
I begin in places not understood
Just to end in places of unexpected joy.
I dream of beauty yet manifested
And wake to craft the wind.
I hear the sounds of life blowing through ideas
As I quiet my soul and quicken my hands
To make, create and release the dreams
Of the One who dreams with me.
I am a Maker.
Copyright 2014. Matt Tommey
Building On the Prophetic Art Foundations
Ok, so you’ve got the foundation down, right?
Hear, see and feel in the Spirit, and develop a picture or impression of what you’re wanting to pursue creatively. Then, as you chip away at the diamond and co-labor with the Father with whatever He’s put in your hand, the life and light of God will be released through your creative expression as a natural outflow of the Kingdom. You don't have to work it up or make it happen. Just trust that God is moving in and through you as you create.
As I think a little deeper about my own creative process, I recognize 7 signposts that may be helpful for you to look for in your process. They include Relationship, Revelation, Agreement, Response, Incarnation, Transformation & Abundance.
Ok, so you’ve got the foundation down, right?
Hear, see and feel in the Spirit, and develop a picture or impression of what you’re wanting to pursue creatively. Then, as you chip away at the diamond and co-labor with the Father with whatever He’s put in your hand, the life and light of God will be released through your creative expression as a natural outflow of the Kingdom. You don't have to work it up or make it happen. Just trust that God is moving in and through you as you create.
As I think a little deeper about my own creative process, I recognize 7 signposts that may be helpful for you to look for in your process. They include Relationship, Revelation, Agreement, Response, Incarnation, Transformation & Abundance.
“Artists are the life-givers in culture. We are a pivotal intersection point where the Kingdom of Heaven meets culture. It is there that we have the unique opportunity, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to translate the Kingdom of Heaven into a language that bypasses words and goes directly into the human spirit. When we collaborate with the Holy Spirit in this dance of Kingdom creativity, His power, His Life and His Light merge with our faith, creative thoughts, imaginations, desires and skill into art that carries the literal presence and power of God. It is in this context that our art, no matter the creative medium becomes prophetic.”
- Matt Tommey, Creativity According to the Kingdom
The 7-Step Prophetic Creativity Process™

1) Relationship
Everything in the Kingdom is birthed through intimate relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. In fact, Jesus taught about how our relationship with God through Him is vital to our growth and fruit production in life. He said:
"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:4-5 NIV
As you cultivate a vital, life-giving relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit will speak to you, lead and guide you into all truth (John 16:13). In fact, Jesus said "the secrets of the Kingdom are your inheritance." in Luke 8:10. Think of that! God has secrets for you and He's simply waiting to release them to you in the context of intimacy with Him. He even promises "hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places" in Isaiah 45:3.
Psalm 37:3-5 the Bible says:
"Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land, feasting on his faithfulness. Find your delight and true pleasure in Yahweh, and he will give you what you desire the most. Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!"
What a promise! Relationship is the key to creating with God because He speaks to those who love Him.
Everything in the Kingdom is birthed through intimate relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. In fact, Jesus taught about how our relationship with God through Him is vital to our growth and fruit production in life. He said:
"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:4-5 NIV
As you cultivate a vital, life-giving relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit will speak to you, lead and guide you into all truth (John 16:13). In fact, Jesus said "the secrets of the Kingdom are your inheritance." in Luke 8:10. Think of that! God has secrets for you and He's simply waiting to release them to you in the context of intimacy with Him. He even promises "hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places" in Isaiah 45:3.
Psalm 37:3-5 the Bible says:
"Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land, feasting on his faithfulness. Find your delight and true pleasure in Yahweh, and he will give you what you desire the most. Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!"
What a promise! Relationship is the key to creating with God because He speaks to those who love Him.

2) Revelation
When a creative idea begins to percolate, it will usually come as some sort of inspiration. Maybe you see, know, hear, smell or sense something that catches your attention and you become inspired. It may be a place, a person, a song or a natural setting that you see every day or something that you’ve encountered for the first time. Regardless of how it happens, at that moment you have an encounter. The Spirit speaks and you have an “Ah-ha” moment – a light bulb experience where you know you need to pay attention.
Your willingness to sense and respond to that impulse is foundational in your ability to move prophetically in the creative process.
The Art of Imagination
Defined by Google Dictionary, imagination is “the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.”
Your imagination is a God-designed engine inside of you that receives impulses, desires and information from yourself, others and the world around you and then formulates images based on the beliefs in your heart. The root word for imagination in Latin is imaginari which actually means “picture to oneself”. It’s literally a picture engine inside of you.
Your imagination is a part of you that interacts with the movement of God within you. It is a gift to every person ever created and gives you the ability to dream, to see and know before you actually create.
Just like every gift given by the Father to humanity, it has to be submitted to the Lordship of Jesus and set apart for His Glory.
Imagination is the First Step
Imagining is the first step in the creative process and is centered in the human spirit. For the believer, imagination interacts with the Holy Spirit in our human spirit and is then processed through our soul and body. It creates an inner picture inside of us by which we create from.
This ability to see that which is not as though it already is, is the nature of God manifested through us; that is to imagine and see what is the highest, best expression of his Glory through our lives and creativity.
When a creative idea begins to percolate, it will usually come as some sort of inspiration. Maybe you see, know, hear, smell or sense something that catches your attention and you become inspired. It may be a place, a person, a song or a natural setting that you see every day or something that you’ve encountered for the first time. Regardless of how it happens, at that moment you have an encounter. The Spirit speaks and you have an “Ah-ha” moment – a light bulb experience where you know you need to pay attention.
Your willingness to sense and respond to that impulse is foundational in your ability to move prophetically in the creative process.
The Art of Imagination
Defined by Google Dictionary, imagination is “the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.”
Your imagination is a God-designed engine inside of you that receives impulses, desires and information from yourself, others and the world around you and then formulates images based on the beliefs in your heart. The root word for imagination in Latin is imaginari which actually means “picture to oneself”. It’s literally a picture engine inside of you.
- Faith creates pictures, pictures create desires within the heart and how the heart acts as an incubator for those pictures to become reality.
- Imagination is key to the believer because without it, the faith process gets derailed.
Your imagination is a part of you that interacts with the movement of God within you. It is a gift to every person ever created and gives you the ability to dream, to see and know before you actually create.
Just like every gift given by the Father to humanity, it has to be submitted to the Lordship of Jesus and set apart for His Glory.
Imagination is the First Step
Imagining is the first step in the creative process and is centered in the human spirit. For the believer, imagination interacts with the Holy Spirit in our human spirit and is then processed through our soul and body. It creates an inner picture inside of us by which we create from.
This ability to see that which is not as though it already is, is the nature of God manifested through us; that is to imagine and see what is the highest, best expression of his Glory through our lives and creativity.
- Without a picture on the inside you can’t function creatively or in the Kingdom for that matter, which is why the enemy is all about lying to, confusing and ultimately trying to conquer our mind.

The Pictures Inside You
At the end of the day, it’s all about the pictures that live inside of you. Paul talked about this two times in particular as he encouraged early believers to mature in their relationship with the Father. First, in Romans 12:2 where he said “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” In other words, don’t think like the world thinks, don’t have their picture of reality and possibility in your mind and heart, but rather renew your mind with the God’s truth, which brings Kingdom transformation.
Secondly, in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 KJV he exhorts the church, saying
Again, Paul knew that imagining or seeing an internal picture of that which is of no use or has nothing to do with the knowledge or God, the Kingdom or Christ has no place within the mind of the believer. Not only does it not have any place, but if left to germinate, it will eventually bear fruit.
Prophetic Imagination & the Kingdom Within Us
You see, it’s in our human spirit, through the process of imagining that we connect to the divine consciousness or the Kingdom within us. Instead of connecting to our rule and reign or, as Paul says “the pattern of this world”, we connect to the rule and reign of the divine Kingdom that lives inside of us through the cross of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. That’s how we prophetically bring heavens reality and nature to the earth. This process of imagining is not only crucial to your creative process but to your whole life because creativity and living a life of passion and abundance are directly connected.
God’s purposes are always followed by His promises and His promises are always followed by His pictures. When His promises and pictures are mixed with faith, they transform our identity into what God has already declared is true – an identity that can fulfill His purposes and release the fullness of the Kingdom here in the earth. It’s a beautiful circle: purpose, promises, pictures, identity.
Consider for a moment, Abraham in Genesis chapters 12-17. God wanted to establish covenant with humanity and had to do it through a man. The purpose? Relationship.
Out of the purpose came a promise when God said He would make Abram the father of many nations, bless him, protect him, make him fruitful, make kings come from him and continue the blessings throughout his line of descendants.
Then, God gave Abram a picture in Genesis 15:5 when he said: “He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be. 6 Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”
Do you see? The picture took root in his heart. Then what happened?
Changing a Name, Establishing a Promise
God changes his name from Abram to Abraham in Chapter 17 and with it comes a physical demonstration of the promise – circumcision – that showed the reality of the new identity which was rooted in the promise portrayed in the picture that was established by the purpose.
Just to give you another beautiful example of how this works think about when the angel Gabriel came to Mary in Luke, chapter 1:
Basically Mary freaks out, gets scared and the angel has to reassure her of God’s purposes again for her life and reassure of her of her identity in Him. Then, once that’s done, the angel gives Mary a picture – an expected end – that she can mix with faith in order to see God’s plan established in the earth. What happens then? She runs down the hill to her sister Elizabeth’s house in order to tell her the purposes of God over her life, stand in her new identity and give testimony to the promise and pictures the angel deposited in her heart.
So what’s the bottom line here?
At the end of the day, it’s all about the pictures that live inside of you. Paul talked about this two times in particular as he encouraged early believers to mature in their relationship with the Father. First, in Romans 12:2 where he said “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” In other words, don’t think like the world thinks, don’t have their picture of reality and possibility in your mind and heart, but rather renew your mind with the God’s truth, which brings Kingdom transformation.
Secondly, in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 KJV he exhorts the church, saying
- “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down (vain) imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; “
Again, Paul knew that imagining or seeing an internal picture of that which is of no use or has nothing to do with the knowledge or God, the Kingdom or Christ has no place within the mind of the believer. Not only does it not have any place, but if left to germinate, it will eventually bear fruit.
Prophetic Imagination & the Kingdom Within Us
You see, it’s in our human spirit, through the process of imagining that we connect to the divine consciousness or the Kingdom within us. Instead of connecting to our rule and reign or, as Paul says “the pattern of this world”, we connect to the rule and reign of the divine Kingdom that lives inside of us through the cross of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. That’s how we prophetically bring heavens reality and nature to the earth. This process of imagining is not only crucial to your creative process but to your whole life because creativity and living a life of passion and abundance are directly connected.
God’s purposes are always followed by His promises and His promises are always followed by His pictures. When His promises and pictures are mixed with faith, they transform our identity into what God has already declared is true – an identity that can fulfill His purposes and release the fullness of the Kingdom here in the earth. It’s a beautiful circle: purpose, promises, pictures, identity.
Consider for a moment, Abraham in Genesis chapters 12-17. God wanted to establish covenant with humanity and had to do it through a man. The purpose? Relationship.
Out of the purpose came a promise when God said He would make Abram the father of many nations, bless him, protect him, make him fruitful, make kings come from him and continue the blessings throughout his line of descendants.
Then, God gave Abram a picture in Genesis 15:5 when he said: “He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be. 6 Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”
Do you see? The picture took root in his heart. Then what happened?
Changing a Name, Establishing a Promise
God changes his name from Abram to Abraham in Chapter 17 and with it comes a physical demonstration of the promise – circumcision – that showed the reality of the new identity which was rooted in the promise portrayed in the picture that was established by the purpose.
Just to give you another beautiful example of how this works think about when the angel Gabriel came to Mary in Luke, chapter 1:
- God’s purpose was to redeem the world through sending Jesus. So he sends Gabriel and Gabriel says to Mary in verse 28 “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
Basically Mary freaks out, gets scared and the angel has to reassure her of God’s purposes again for her life and reassure of her of her identity in Him. Then, once that’s done, the angel gives Mary a picture – an expected end – that she can mix with faith in order to see God’s plan established in the earth. What happens then? She runs down the hill to her sister Elizabeth’s house in order to tell her the purposes of God over her life, stand in her new identity and give testimony to the promise and pictures the angel deposited in her heart.
So what’s the bottom line here?

Imagination is a Vital Part the Kingdom
Your ability to imagine – that is, see with God – is vital in your ability to creatively demonstrate the Kingdom and it’s tied to your acceptance of God’s purpose for your life, the identity He’s established in you through Christ and the promises He’s given you and a son and daughter in the Kingdom. Sometimes God will give the picture as with Abraham and Mary, and sometimes the promises and purpose produce the pictures like with David.
Think about it, David was a lover of God and a worshipper. Firm in that identity, I’m sure God began to give him dreams, visions and promises that began to take root in His heart. How do I know that? Because I know God and that’s what He does for anyone who asks.
As He mixed his faith with the promises and pictures began to form in His heart of what could be - worship, everyday, for years, with unlimited access to the Father – and sure enough the purposes of God were established in His generation. Doors began to open, people began to respond and affirm His purpose and eventually he fulfilled that purpose as King and the establishment of the Tabernacle. Why, just because God wanted it that way? No, it was because God found a man who would dream with Him to release His nature into the earth realm through imagination and see transformation happen.
Strengthen Your Imagination
There are practical ways to begin strengthening your imagination. Pray in tongues, ask God for pictures, meditate on His word and specifically His promises regarding your identity and your purpose. As you do, pictures will begin to form. Mix your faith with the picture and the promises and watch God begin to bring it forth.
Your ability to imagine – that is, see with God – is vital in your ability to creatively demonstrate the Kingdom and it’s tied to your acceptance of God’s purpose for your life, the identity He’s established in you through Christ and the promises He’s given you and a son and daughter in the Kingdom. Sometimes God will give the picture as with Abraham and Mary, and sometimes the promises and purpose produce the pictures like with David.
Think about it, David was a lover of God and a worshipper. Firm in that identity, I’m sure God began to give him dreams, visions and promises that began to take root in His heart. How do I know that? Because I know God and that’s what He does for anyone who asks.
As He mixed his faith with the promises and pictures began to form in His heart of what could be - worship, everyday, for years, with unlimited access to the Father – and sure enough the purposes of God were established in His generation. Doors began to open, people began to respond and affirm His purpose and eventually he fulfilled that purpose as King and the establishment of the Tabernacle. Why, just because God wanted it that way? No, it was because God found a man who would dream with Him to release His nature into the earth realm through imagination and see transformation happen.
Strengthen Your Imagination
There are practical ways to begin strengthening your imagination. Pray in tongues, ask God for pictures, meditate on His word and specifically His promises regarding your identity and your purpose. As you do, pictures will begin to form. Mix your faith with the picture and the promises and watch God begin to bring it forth.
“Your imagination is a part of your being that interacts with the movement of God within you.” - Matt Tommey

3) Agreement
Agreement is a powerful law in the Kingdom of God. In fact, it's just like the law of gravity. Regardless of how you use it - for good or for evil - it works, every time. You're probably used to using this law in your art on a regular basis without knowing it when you have an idea. You either say (internally) "Yes, that's a great idea! I'm going to pursue that!" or "No, I don't think I can do that... Seems to hard." Either way, you're right. Those artists who agree with Holy Spirit inspiration - regardless of whether or not they feel qualified - are the ones who will create with Him and begin to create prophetic art.
Agreement opens the door to your life. It gives whatever you agree with access to move in your life. You'll always eat the fruit of that which you agree.
Let's look at some negative examples of agreement and how they resulted in death, rather than life:
In the Tower of Babel story, notice what God Himself says of agreement:
“And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one [unified] people, and they all have the same language. This is only the beginning of what they will do [in rebellion against Me], and now no evil thing they imagine they can do will be impossible for them.” Genesis 11:6
That's pretty amazing! God essentially said nothing would be impossible for them when they were in agreement. A powerful, but potentially dangerous principle.
Now consider these incredible examples from God's Word that show us how agreement is supposed to work in the Kingdom:
”Again, I give you an eternal truth: If two of you agree to ask God for something in a symphony of prayer, my heavenly Father will do it for you. For wherever two or three come together in honor of my name, I am right there with them!” - Matthew 18:19-21
If the law of agreement works in a negative context and in a positive context with each other, imagine what would happen when you begin agreeing with God! Instead of trying to make things happen yourself through striving or natural knowledge you simply open the door for the divine creativity of Heaven to flow through you.
Agreement is a powerful law in the Kingdom of God. In fact, it's just like the law of gravity. Regardless of how you use it - for good or for evil - it works, every time. You're probably used to using this law in your art on a regular basis without knowing it when you have an idea. You either say (internally) "Yes, that's a great idea! I'm going to pursue that!" or "No, I don't think I can do that... Seems to hard." Either way, you're right. Those artists who agree with Holy Spirit inspiration - regardless of whether or not they feel qualified - are the ones who will create with Him and begin to create prophetic art.
Agreement opens the door to your life. It gives whatever you agree with access to move in your life. You'll always eat the fruit of that which you agree.
Let's look at some negative examples of agreement and how they resulted in death, rather than life:
- Adam and Eve agreed with the devil rather than God, reaping a curse upon their life and eternal separation from God.
- Cain agreed with the jealousy and rage in his heart, killing his brother and ultimately living a life of wandering and striving.
- The people in the Tower of Babel story who wanted to build a tower to heaven, but ultimately were destroyed because of their rebellion.
In the Tower of Babel story, notice what God Himself says of agreement:
“And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one [unified] people, and they all have the same language. This is only the beginning of what they will do [in rebellion against Me], and now no evil thing they imagine they can do will be impossible for them.” Genesis 11:6
That's pretty amazing! God essentially said nothing would be impossible for them when they were in agreement. A powerful, but potentially dangerous principle.
Now consider these incredible examples from God's Word that show us how agreement is supposed to work in the Kingdom:
- Noah agreed with the promise of God and was saved from destruction. He and his family were used to restore and replenish the earth after the flood.
- Moses agreed with God's calling on his life even though he felt unworthy. It opened the door for the freedom of a whole nation.
- Jesus agreed with the divine will of His Father God and went to the cross, resulting in the redemption and restoration of all humanity.
”Again, I give you an eternal truth: If two of you agree to ask God for something in a symphony of prayer, my heavenly Father will do it for you. For wherever two or three come together in honor of my name, I am right there with them!” - Matthew 18:19-21
If the law of agreement works in a negative context and in a positive context with each other, imagine what would happen when you begin agreeing with God! Instead of trying to make things happen yourself through striving or natural knowledge you simply open the door for the divine creativity of Heaven to flow through you.
"Agreement opens the door to your life. It gives whatever you agree with access to move in your life." - Matt Tommey

4. Response
The next step in the process of prophetic creativity is not just imagining what could be, but then stepping out and responding. You have to see and agree. It becomes easier to participate in this process as you become what the Bible describes as being filled and skilled. It's a two-winged plane that must function together for "maximum lift". Otherwise, you'll be making a quick nose dive creatively and spiritually.
In Exodus 31:2-5, the Lord says "See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills-- to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts."
"Growth in the Kingdom of God happens when you lean in into being both filled and skilled. I talk about this concept everywhere I go, because I believe it to be one of the foundational concepts in God’s Kingdom, not just for artists, but for every person wanting to thrive in all God has for him. It is not just enough to be filled with the Spirit and sit around, enjoying the glory of His presence. As wonderful and vital as that is in our life, it should lead us out of our comfort zones and ourselves. As we grow in His presence, we must also lean into skill development, because that enlarges our capacity to be carriers of His presence.
Skill and mastery enable us to steward well the gifts, talents, callings, and opportunities that God gives us. Without a beautiful balance, we run around in circles either full of passion but lacking skill or extremely skilled with no life. It’s a collaboration between God and man, and in no way does that downgrade the supernatural component of how God works in our life.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably had many times in your life when you asked, “God, can’t you just supernaturally download this thing to me so I can get on with it?” And of course, He could absolutely do that, but more than likely it’s going to happen the way I am describing in this book. Not because God is mad or doesn’t love you, but because He’s all about the process of walking with us on the journey. He has invested something in you, and He wants to lead, guide, and inspire you with opportunities every day of your life so that you come to know the beauty and adventure of walking with Him! As you faithfully continue on that journey, increase and fruitfulness will be yours. That’s just how the Kingdom works." - Matt Tommey, Created to Thrive
If you only see in the Spirit without expressing what you see, you’ll just be frustrated because hope (a picture of an expected end) deferred makes the heart sick. On the other hand, you can go through a bunch of wrote motions but unless there’s a picture of your expected end mixed with faith, you’re going nowhere fast. This whole process of seeing and agreeing is explored in detail within my book “Creativity According to the Kingdom.”
Suffice it to say, within your life there has to be a constant infilling of the Holy Spirit through an intimate relationship with Jesus. That produces desires, dreams, passion and pictures. It affirms your identity and causes you to triumph.
Response is Required
At the same time “faith without works is dead.” There must always be a response and that response is based in your skill set. As you grow in being filled, you must also grow in being skilled. Giving attention to both simultaneously, as led by the Spirit of God produces maturity and brings you into a place of increase. Proverbs 18:16 NKJV says “A mans gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.”
If you want influence in the world system, if you want to be a conduit of Kingdom transformation then you must pursue skill.
The next step in the process of prophetic creativity is not just imagining what could be, but then stepping out and responding. You have to see and agree. It becomes easier to participate in this process as you become what the Bible describes as being filled and skilled. It's a two-winged plane that must function together for "maximum lift". Otherwise, you'll be making a quick nose dive creatively and spiritually.
In Exodus 31:2-5, the Lord says "See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills-- to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts."
"Growth in the Kingdom of God happens when you lean in into being both filled and skilled. I talk about this concept everywhere I go, because I believe it to be one of the foundational concepts in God’s Kingdom, not just for artists, but for every person wanting to thrive in all God has for him. It is not just enough to be filled with the Spirit and sit around, enjoying the glory of His presence. As wonderful and vital as that is in our life, it should lead us out of our comfort zones and ourselves. As we grow in His presence, we must also lean into skill development, because that enlarges our capacity to be carriers of His presence.
Skill and mastery enable us to steward well the gifts, talents, callings, and opportunities that God gives us. Without a beautiful balance, we run around in circles either full of passion but lacking skill or extremely skilled with no life. It’s a collaboration between God and man, and in no way does that downgrade the supernatural component of how God works in our life.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably had many times in your life when you asked, “God, can’t you just supernaturally download this thing to me so I can get on with it?” And of course, He could absolutely do that, but more than likely it’s going to happen the way I am describing in this book. Not because God is mad or doesn’t love you, but because He’s all about the process of walking with us on the journey. He has invested something in you, and He wants to lead, guide, and inspire you with opportunities every day of your life so that you come to know the beauty and adventure of walking with Him! As you faithfully continue on that journey, increase and fruitfulness will be yours. That’s just how the Kingdom works." - Matt Tommey, Created to Thrive
If you only see in the Spirit without expressing what you see, you’ll just be frustrated because hope (a picture of an expected end) deferred makes the heart sick. On the other hand, you can go through a bunch of wrote motions but unless there’s a picture of your expected end mixed with faith, you’re going nowhere fast. This whole process of seeing and agreeing is explored in detail within my book “Creativity According to the Kingdom.”
Suffice it to say, within your life there has to be a constant infilling of the Holy Spirit through an intimate relationship with Jesus. That produces desires, dreams, passion and pictures. It affirms your identity and causes you to triumph.
Response is Required
At the same time “faith without works is dead.” There must always be a response and that response is based in your skill set. As you grow in being filled, you must also grow in being skilled. Giving attention to both simultaneously, as led by the Spirit of God produces maturity and brings you into a place of increase. Proverbs 18:16 NKJV says “A mans gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.”
If you want influence in the world system, if you want to be a conduit of Kingdom transformation then you must pursue skill.
"If you only see in the Spirit without expressing what you see, you’ll just be frustrated because hope deferred makes the heart sick." - Matt Tommey

5. Incarnation
If imagination is source and skillful, Spirit-led execution is the process then surely art is the product. Your art, or whatever your creative expression happens to be brings into reality that which up until this point has only been a hope. The act of creating is by it’s very nature incarnational because it’s bringing the purpose and promise of God into the earth in tangible form.
No longer is this thing we’ve dreamed of just an idea, but now it has become an evidential reality.
This incarnational process is a core part of God’s divine nature. When we participate in His divine nature - through His precious promises - we then become participants in the incarnation, bringing the divine into the earth realm for all to see, interact with and be transformed by. God led the way and gave us the pattern. God wanted to redeem the world (purpose) and so began to let the word out through his prophets (promise) that there was a Messiah coming. Through the prophets of old, God began to give a picture of what this Messiah would look like, how He would act and what He would do when He came (picture). The Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us (skillful execution on the part of God co-laboring with Mary resulting in the Incarnation.) Now through the Holy Spirit and our ability to co-labor with him in our creativity, our artwork becomes incarnational (because we are joint heirs with Jesus in the new covenant), revealing the Nature of God in the earth. This is not a one-time event but our new, everyday reality as sons and daughters of the King.
The Kingdom is Established through Sons & Daughters
For me, this is where the rubber meets the road. The Kingdom of God is established in the earth as sons and daughters release demonstrations of the reality of that Kingdom into the culture, regardless of their unique gifting or calling. Jesus promised that we would do greater works than He did, that signs and wonders would follow those who believe in Him. My friend, your creative expression was destined from the very foundation of the earth to be the incarnated demonstration of God’s Kingdom in the earth.
If imagination is source and skillful, Spirit-led execution is the process then surely art is the product. Your art, or whatever your creative expression happens to be brings into reality that which up until this point has only been a hope. The act of creating is by it’s very nature incarnational because it’s bringing the purpose and promise of God into the earth in tangible form.
No longer is this thing we’ve dreamed of just an idea, but now it has become an evidential reality.
This incarnational process is a core part of God’s divine nature. When we participate in His divine nature - through His precious promises - we then become participants in the incarnation, bringing the divine into the earth realm for all to see, interact with and be transformed by. God led the way and gave us the pattern. God wanted to redeem the world (purpose) and so began to let the word out through his prophets (promise) that there was a Messiah coming. Through the prophets of old, God began to give a picture of what this Messiah would look like, how He would act and what He would do when He came (picture). The Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us (skillful execution on the part of God co-laboring with Mary resulting in the Incarnation.) Now through the Holy Spirit and our ability to co-labor with him in our creativity, our artwork becomes incarnational (because we are joint heirs with Jesus in the new covenant), revealing the Nature of God in the earth. This is not a one-time event but our new, everyday reality as sons and daughters of the King.
The Kingdom is Established through Sons & Daughters
For me, this is where the rubber meets the road. The Kingdom of God is established in the earth as sons and daughters release demonstrations of the reality of that Kingdom into the culture, regardless of their unique gifting or calling. Jesus promised that we would do greater works than He did, that signs and wonders would follow those who believe in Him. My friend, your creative expression was destined from the very foundation of the earth to be the incarnated demonstration of God’s Kingdom in the earth.
"The act of creating is by it’s very nature incarnational... it’s bringing the purpose and promise of God into the earth in tangible form." - Matt Tommey

6. Transformation
When your creation does come from that place of Spirit-birthed, skillfully produced incarnation, it literally becomes a conduit for transformation. Why? Not because of us, in and of our talent but because it’s carrying the very Light and Life – the very nature – of God. Just like the sacrament of communion, your art, like the simple bread and wine, becomes a means of grace whereby God can commune with his people.
Since Spirit-born creative expression is both prophetic and incarnational in nature our art has the capacity to speak and continue speaking to everyone who encounters it over time. It’s a lot like the stone cairns that you see throughout the Celtic landscape of Scotland that were created and placed there to show the way over time. These stacked stone monuments act as reminders that in the middle of what seems like nowhere, there is a trail. Our artwork and creative expression can be a cairn of sorts in the Spirit, declaring that there is a path that leads to life through the person of Jesus. Instead of just having a one-time encounters, we literally have the opportunity to set up these places of intersection in the Spirit for generations to come. Songs that would be sung for generations, buildings to be built that would declare the Glory of the Lord, even tangible objects used in daily life all acting as intersection points where God shows up and connects with His children.
When your creation does come from that place of Spirit-birthed, skillfully produced incarnation, it literally becomes a conduit for transformation. Why? Not because of us, in and of our talent but because it’s carrying the very Light and Life – the very nature – of God. Just like the sacrament of communion, your art, like the simple bread and wine, becomes a means of grace whereby God can commune with his people.
Since Spirit-born creative expression is both prophetic and incarnational in nature our art has the capacity to speak and continue speaking to everyone who encounters it over time. It’s a lot like the stone cairns that you see throughout the Celtic landscape of Scotland that were created and placed there to show the way over time. These stacked stone monuments act as reminders that in the middle of what seems like nowhere, there is a trail. Our artwork and creative expression can be a cairn of sorts in the Spirit, declaring that there is a path that leads to life through the person of Jesus. Instead of just having a one-time encounters, we literally have the opportunity to set up these places of intersection in the Spirit for generations to come. Songs that would be sung for generations, buildings to be built that would declare the Glory of the Lord, even tangible objects used in daily life all acting as intersection points where God shows up and connects with His children.
"God cares much more that you create than what you create. Having you fulfill your divine design is the desire of the Father." - Matt Tommey

7. Abundance
The result of Kingdom transformation is always life, especially when it comes through the creative expression of sons and daughters. Life abundant. Life everlasting. Life rooted and grounded in love and the abundance of the Father of all Life. God’s abundance overflows when it transforms the hearts of man and through His grace He activates the dormant places in the heart causing vision, purpose and desire to spring forth. Man fully alive, fully satisfied in God, fully loved by God and fully able to stand in His Kingdom purpose.
Cooperation, Not Performance
A life of abundance and creativity always manifests in our life when we come into alignment with the intention or design of God for our life, whether as co-creators or ones interacting with the Spirit-birthed creation. This doesn’t mean we’ll never have another problem in our life or that grace is some ticket to easy street. It does mean, however that worry is no longer an option because at the end of the day, you know you are secure, provided for and in the Beloved of Almighty God. Otherwise, we stay frustrated in the ego portion of our being - our soul, mind will, emotions - wresting with feelings of inadequacy, powerlessness and frustration.
This understanding of how prophetic creative expression is birthed and transformation is released should encourage you because it takes the pressure off of you to perform. Rather, you just simply cooperate with the design of God in and through your life. You don’t have to be this or that, just stand as a son or daughter, receiving and stewarding that which God has entrusted to you.
Abundance is basically coming into harmony with the frequency of God in the earth and in our being. Otherwise we create dissonance by playing notes that don’t work together and tension, stress and anxiety are the result. I don’t know about you, but I want to be in harmony with all that God is doing!
The result of Kingdom transformation is always life, especially when it comes through the creative expression of sons and daughters. Life abundant. Life everlasting. Life rooted and grounded in love and the abundance of the Father of all Life. God’s abundance overflows when it transforms the hearts of man and through His grace He activates the dormant places in the heart causing vision, purpose and desire to spring forth. Man fully alive, fully satisfied in God, fully loved by God and fully able to stand in His Kingdom purpose.
Cooperation, Not Performance
A life of abundance and creativity always manifests in our life when we come into alignment with the intention or design of God for our life, whether as co-creators or ones interacting with the Spirit-birthed creation. This doesn’t mean we’ll never have another problem in our life or that grace is some ticket to easy street. It does mean, however that worry is no longer an option because at the end of the day, you know you are secure, provided for and in the Beloved of Almighty God. Otherwise, we stay frustrated in the ego portion of our being - our soul, mind will, emotions - wresting with feelings of inadequacy, powerlessness and frustration.
This understanding of how prophetic creative expression is birthed and transformation is released should encourage you because it takes the pressure off of you to perform. Rather, you just simply cooperate with the design of God in and through your life. You don’t have to be this or that, just stand as a son or daughter, receiving and stewarding that which God has entrusted to you.
Abundance is basically coming into harmony with the frequency of God in the earth and in our being. Otherwise we create dissonance by playing notes that don’t work together and tension, stress and anxiety are the result. I don’t know about you, but I want to be in harmony with all that God is doing!
On Creating
"It has been said that all creativity happens at the edge of chaos and order…
For me the chaos just happens to look like tangled, gnarly vines wrapped tightly around strangled trees and laurel, pods and cones littering the forest floor; the order like a beautiful sculptural basket that reminds me of its source.
Somewhere in the middle is where the magic happens, where Creativity broods over the chaos and new life begins; beauty is born.
A simple walk through forest explodes into a symphony of possibilities; back breaking in giddy glee as I carry the treasures toward their purpose. What once was dead is now alive, that which was hated is now desired, that which had no breath suddenly heaves with hope afresh.
The weaving is the easy part; it’s seeing beauty while it’s still hidden that is the adventure. Even though these woven creations seem to simply form in the hands of their maker, as if to say it is only skill that brings them to life, it must always be remembered that every basket begins with a walk in the woods.
It’s time to take a walk."
Matt Tommey Copyright 2014
"It has been said that all creativity happens at the edge of chaos and order…
For me the chaos just happens to look like tangled, gnarly vines wrapped tightly around strangled trees and laurel, pods and cones littering the forest floor; the order like a beautiful sculptural basket that reminds me of its source.
Somewhere in the middle is where the magic happens, where Creativity broods over the chaos and new life begins; beauty is born.
A simple walk through forest explodes into a symphony of possibilities; back breaking in giddy glee as I carry the treasures toward their purpose. What once was dead is now alive, that which was hated is now desired, that which had no breath suddenly heaves with hope afresh.
The weaving is the easy part; it’s seeing beauty while it’s still hidden that is the adventure. Even though these woven creations seem to simply form in the hands of their maker, as if to say it is only skill that brings them to life, it must always be remembered that every basket begins with a walk in the woods.
It’s time to take a walk."
Matt Tommey Copyright 2014
Colors of Revelation: Embracing Prophetic Art through Biblical Colors

In the realm of religious and spiritual art, colors carry profound meanings, often conveying messages that transcend verbal communication. This is particularly evident in prophetic art, where colors are not merely aesthetic choices but are imbued with deep symbolic significance derived from biblical scriptures. We're going to dive into the rich tapestry of prophetic colors found in the Bible, exploring their meanings and discussing how artists can incorporate these hues into prophetic painting, thereby creating art that resonates with spiritual depth and historical richness.
The Spectrum of Prophetic Colors in the Bible
The Bible, a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom, also serves as a source of inspiration for artists, especially in the context of prophetic art. Colors in the Bible are not random; they are carefully chosen to represent themes, ideas, and divine messages. Understanding these colors provides a foundation for creating prophetic art that is not only visually striking but also rich in meaning.
The Artistic Importance of Color in Prophetic Painting
The use of color in prophetic art is not just about visual appeal; it's a powerful tool for storytelling and emotional connection. Colors can evoke specific feelings and set the tone of the artwork.
Incorporating Prophetic Colors into Contemporary Artwork
For artists inspired to venture into the realm of prophetic painting, incorporating these colors thoughtfully and intentionally is key.
The Spectrum of Prophetic Colors in the Bible
The Bible, a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom, also serves as a source of inspiration for artists, especially in the context of prophetic art. Colors in the Bible are not random; they are carefully chosen to represent themes, ideas, and divine messages. Understanding these colors provides a foundation for creating prophetic art that is not only visually striking but also rich in meaning.
- Blue: Divine Revelation
In biblical texts, blue is often associated with the heavens and divine revelation. It represents both the sky and the sea, symbolizing vastness, depth, and spirituality. Artists using blue in prophetic painting can evoke a sense of serenity and divine presence. - Red: Sacrifice and Redemption
Red in the Bible is a powerful symbol of both sacrifice and redemption. It recalls the blood of Christ and the sacrifices in the Old Testament, representing salvation and atonement. In prophetic painting, red can be used to depict passion, sacrifice, or the redeeming power of love. - White: Purity and Holiness
Perhaps the most universally recognized, white in biblical terms signifies purity, holiness, and righteousness. It is the color of light, representing truth and the divine. Artists incorporating white in their prophetic art can convey themes of purity, innocence, or divine revelation. - Purple: Royalty and Authority
Purple, a color often associated with royalty, conveys a sense of majesty and authority in the Bible. It symbolizes wealth, power, and dignity, often used to represent Jesus' kingship. Prophetic paintings with purple hues can reflect sovereignty and the grandeur of the divine. - Green: Renewal and Life
Green represents growth, renewal, and life. It is reminiscent of the flourishing nature and the promise of new life. In prophetic art, green can be used to symbolize hope, restoration, and the ongoing cycle of life and rebirth. - Gold: Glory and Divinity
Gold in the Bible is synonymous with glory, divinity, and God's presence. It is a color that signifies purity and the highest value. In prophetic paintings, gold can be used to highlight divine glory, purity, and eternal value.
The Artistic Importance of Color in Prophetic Painting
The use of color in prophetic art is not just about visual appeal; it's a powerful tool for storytelling and emotional connection. Colors can evoke specific feelings and set the tone of the artwork.
- Emotional Resonance: Certain colors naturally evoke certain emotions. For instance, blue can induce calmness, while red might stir passion. Prophetic artists can use these emotional associations to enhance the spiritual and emotional impact of their work.
- Narrative Depth: Colors can add layers of meaning to a painting's narrative. For example, a prophetic painting depicting a scene from the Bible can use color symbolism to deepen the viewer's understanding of the story and its spiritual implications.
- Symbolic Expression: In prophetic art, colors can serve as a shorthand for complex theological concepts and narratives. By understanding and employing the symbolic meanings of colors, artists can convey profound spiritual truths in a visually impactful way.
Incorporating Prophetic Colors into Contemporary Artwork
For artists inspired to venture into the realm of prophetic painting, incorporating these colors thoughtfully and intentionally is key.
- Contemporary Interpretations: While respecting the traditional meanings of these colors, artists can experiment with contemporary styles and techniques to make their work relevant to modern audiences.
- Balancing Symbolism and Aesthetics: It’s crucial for artists to find a balance between the symbolic meanings of colors and their aesthetic harmony. The challenge lies in using these prophetic colors in a way that is both visually appealing and spiritually meaningful.
- Personal and Spiritual Reflection: Artists should also reflect on their personal and spiritual journey, allowing their unique experiences to guide the use of color in their prophetic artwork. This personal touch can make the artwork more authentic and relatable.

Who are some Artists Currently Creating Prophetic Art and Prophetic Paintings?
Before we continue, let me take a moment to share some of my favorite artists who are creating incredible work while engaging the Holy Spirit in their creative process. While each may not call themselves a "prophetic artist", God is certainly using their work to release transformation around the world. Click on the image to visit their website and purchase their work. (All copyright retained by the artist.)
Before we continue, let me take a moment to share some of my favorite artists who are creating incredible work while engaging the Holy Spirit in their creative process. While each may not call themselves a "prophetic artist", God is certainly using their work to release transformation around the world. Click on the image to visit their website and purchase their work. (All copyright retained by the artist.)

FAQ's about Prophetic Art
I've had the great privilege of helping thousands of artists over the years flow in their prophetic gifting. Here are some answers to some of their most common questions:
I've had the great privilege of helping thousands of artists over the years flow in their prophetic gifting. Here are some answers to some of their most common questions:
- Is every artist prophetic?
Not every artist approaches their work with a prophetic intention ie: to create with the Holy Spirit in order to be used by God to release His Life and Light to the world through their art. However, God is sovereign and He often chooses to use the foolish things - like art - to confound the wise.
Because God can speak in and through anything He chooses, He often uses the "unholy" for "holy" purposes. You've probably experienced that before, right? A random song comes on the radio and boom, out of nowhere the Holy Spirit is speaking to you in the context of that song. Did the artist intend for that to happen? Probably not. Did God use it in your life and in that moment, it became prophetic? Absolutely. This is the mystery of the creative process. As we are faithful to create with Holy Spirit, He chooses to use our work as He will in the lives of those who interact with it. - Does all prophetic art have to be limited to Biblical themes?
Prophetic art goes beyond the boundaries of biblical themes and is not limited to being produced live in front of an audience or during worship. Its ability to be considered prophetic does not hinge on adhering strictly to biblical subject matter. What truly defines prophetic art is its source of inspiration, which stems from the Holy Spirit, and its purpose of edifying, encouraging, or providing comfort. Thus, whether it follows biblical themes or not, as long as it fulfills these criteria, it can be regarded as prophetic art.
- How do I know it's God and not just me?
Faith. Often times, artists are waiting for fireworks from Heaven, a loud booming "thus saith the Lord" and tangible angelic visitation in their studio in order for their inspiration to be considered prophetic or from the Lord. Rather, I would suggest it's in the showing up - every day - to the studio, inviting Holy Spirit to be a part of your process, listening to Him as you create and responding through your creative expression that makes your work prophetic.
I've long believed that God cares much more THAT we create than WHAT we create. The very fact that you're showing up in the studio on a regular basis to do the thing God created you to do is honoring to the Lord. And you can trust, in that place, God will show up, inspire you and fill your studio, your work and your life with His transformative presence.
It's not about your art being from you or God. It's neither. Rather, it's a collaborative process through with all of God moves through all of you to create unique works that reflect His heart through your artistic voice. - Is prophetic art only for painters?
Absolutely not! Over the last 15 years or so, there's been a significant rise in the number of artists who consider themselves to be prophetic artists. Many of them have been painters. That's wonderful! Painters have been forerunners for many other artists, making a way for the arts to be seen again by parts of the Body of Christ who haven't normally embraced the arts.
But that's only part of the story. Although it's often painters who are highlighted on worship stages around the world, every artist has the ability to approach their work from a prophetic intention. Poets and potters, weavers and writers, jewelers and mixed media artists, sculptors and seamstresses, dancers and musicians all have a part to play in the tapestry of God's beautiful Kingdom.
Live art may not be suitable for all artists, particularly those who solely work with oils or take a significant amount of time to complete their pieces. However, this does not mean that their work cannot be considered prophetic art. The suitability of live art for an artist ultimately depends on the heart behind their work and its purpose.
While many people may relate to more "finished" pieces that require time and development, it is crucial to recognize that the preparation for a prophetic painting is just as essential as the final product. This preparation necessitates extensive thought, research, and skill, particularly if the intention is to share the artwork publicly.
It is important to understand that not every artist will reach the pinnacle of greatness, just as not every musician becomes a red-hot performer. Nonetheless, there is an expectation that artists strive to do their personal best. Moreover, some argue that blank canvas art in the context of Christian art can diminish its value due to its potential to result in subpar quality.
Considering these factors, it becomes evident that live art may not be suitable for all artists. Each artist should carefully reflect on their artistic style, medium, and intentions to determine whether live art aligns with their creative expression and objectives. - What's the difference between live worship art and prophetic art?
Most of the time, these phrases are used synonymously. However, I would like to draw a distinction here. Worship Art is what most people say when they are referring to art that's being created in the context of corporate worship. For example, a painter on stage as a part of a worship team during a worship service. In that context, any artistic expression in corporate worship could be considered worship art ie: a potter throwing on the wheel, a group of dancers or even a spoken word artist.
Prophetic art then, is a much larger term speaking to the intention of the artist to create with the Holy Spirit, whether they are in the context of corporate worship or not. To blur the lines even further, I would suggest that all prophetic art is worship art because as we create, it is an act of worship before the Lord. And, by it's very nature, worship art is prophetic because in that context, you're intentionally offering your work to the Lord in a corporate context to glorify Him and inspire others toward God's beauty and nature.
The difference between prophetic art and live worship art also lies in the source of inspiration and the intention behind it. Prophetic art is created with the Holy Spirit as the guiding force, where the artist taps into the supernatural realm and allows God to move through their artistic expression. It is a collaboration between God and the artist, where the artwork carries a message or revelation from God. On the other hand, live worship art refers to art created in the moment, often in front of an audience, where the artist may rely on their own skills and creativity without necessarily seeking divine inspiration in the creation process.
While both forms of art have their value, it is important to acknowledge the considerations of skill and artistic quality. In the realm of prophetic art, there is a common belief that the process requires no prior artistic skills or planning. The artist begins with a blank canvas and listens as God provides guidance on color choices and placement. This heartfelt and spontaneous approach can result in abstract or undefined artwork, which may be deeply meaningful for personal worship or healing.
However, it is worth considering the long-term impact and recognition of such art. As time passes, art that lacks technical proficiency or a solid foundation may not be regarded as 'great' art. Just as a worship leader or musician wouldn't expect to perform on stage without honing their skills, those who seek to glorify God's kingdom through art can benefit from skill-building in their craft.
This is not to diminish the spiritual dimension and potential impact of prophetic art, but rather to encourage artists to cultivate their abilities alongside their spiritual connection. By combining the guidance of the Holy Spirit with a dedication to developing artistic skills, artists can create prophetic art that not only carries a Holy Spirit-Inspired message but also stands as a testament to their talent and creativity. We need to embrace both the supernatural inspiration and the pursuit of excellence in our artistic expressions, so that our work may touch lives and endure throughout the ages. - Is it ok to sell prophetic art or God-inspired art since I feel God gave me the inspiration? Absolutely and here are the reasons why:
First of all, 1 Timothy 5:18 says:
"For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain [to keep it from eating],” and, “The worker is worthy of his wages [he deserves fair compensation].”
In other words, if you're doing the work, you deserve to be paid. Rarely does this question even arise at all if a business person has a divinely inspired idea. Unfortunately, because the arts have a history of being "volunteered" in the church (at least within the Protestant tradition of the last 500 years) there can be an expectation of giving your work away because God inspired it.
First of all, that's a fundamental misunderstanding of how provision flows in the Kingdom of God. In the Kingdom, God brings our provision to us in the context of our assignment. As you embrace your unique design in God's Kingdom and trust Him as your provider, the Holy Spirit will lead you in how to find and gather the provision God has for you in line with your specific Kingdom assignment. If your calling is as an artist, then you can trust God wants to bring your provision through that calling. The more you steward your calling and the resources He brings you, the more you'll receive as you continue on your journey.
The marketplace provides opportunity for artists to both make a living from and share their art with people who are willing to invest in their creative expression. Financial provision for artists allows the time and freedom to focus on the art making journey. For everyone in the Kingdom, God releases ideas that generate money in the marketplace to create our provision in line with our specific assignment.
Secondly, it often arises because many artists who consider their work and art process to be prophetic only show their work in the context of their local church. Your work can bless the church - and should - but it's for the marketplace. Determine in your heart, is this ministry (I'm willing to freely give) or is this my business (I get paid a market rate for what I create). There's no right or wrong, it's just important for you to draw that distinction for yourself and others so there's no unmet expectations or misunderstandings.
The root of this question is often confusion about what someone wants their art to be in this season of their life. I wrote a more in-depth article called "Considering Art as Spiritual Experience, Hobby and Vocation". This might be helpful for you if you're trying to determine what season of life you're in and what you want your art to be.
NOTE: Most people that struggle with financial provision haven't learned to receive from the Father in line with their assignment. Instead, they've adopted the mammon-based approach of chasing money in order to provide for themselves. For more on provision in God's Kingdom, listen to this podcast episode called "Prospering Artists, Not Starving Artists".
- Is prophetic art always an exact representation of specific visions, dreams or impressions?
No, quite the contrary. I'm convinced that much of what we've seen so far in the prophetic art movement is an immature expression of a mature inspiration. In an effort to be true to the inspiration (and what the artist feels is God's heart) they often try to capture the dream, vision or idea representationally rather than asking deeper questions like: what does this mean on a deeper level, How does this inspire me to seek further information, what are atypical ways I could explore this subject to inspire thought and curiosity? - I feel a lot of perfectionism when creating because of the pressure of my art being considered "prophetic". Is there a right way and a wrong way to create prophetic art?
I really believe Christian artists should quit trying so hard to ‘say something’ with their art and simply create. Create with skill? Yes. Create from deep inspiration? Yes. Create with the Creator? Yes. Just create and believe me, the work will speak for itself.
So many times overt “Christainese” messaging overwhelms and weakens the creative expression. The creative process is about trust; trusting yourself, the materials, the mystery all the while believing that the work will live and give life to you and the viewer. - Do you always have to share the meaning of the piece you create?
No, I don't believe so. In fact, it can often rob the viewer of a special experience and their own unique interpretation of what the work is saying. However, if someone asks specifically "what were you thinking when you created this?" then by all means, share. It might be more fun to say "I'll be happy to share, but first I'd love to hear what you think it's saying..."
In my own journey, most of what God has used to speak life and light to others has usually been in spite of my creative intention going into a piece. Because of that, I always encourage artists to let the work you create speak. Let the process speak. Don’t always come into a piece of art thinking “this is what this is about” or “this is what I’m going to say”. For me, that just robs us of the beauty of the process. It can do the same things with the experience of the viewer, impeding them from enjoying.
The beauty of art – the supernatural essence of what and how we create – is that our creativity is much more than simply what we bring to the studio. We bring all of us and mix it with all of what Holy Spirit wants to do in and through us and boom, all of a sudden what we create goes WAY beyond whatever we had in mind or could ever have done on our own. If we come into the process so convinced that “this is what this is about” or “This is what I’m going to say” we can easily miss the mystery of the Spirit’s journey through us; the exponential result of our creative expression. - Are there certain colors, symbols and metaphors that must be used for art to be considered prophetic?
No. Many artists choose to incorporate Biblical symbology and metaphor into their work in typical and atypical ways. but there are no rules. The most powerful art is art that makes you wonder, think, consider and meditate on a deeper truth. If you use Biblical symbology or metaphor, do it in ways that are interesting, out of the box and atypical. Push the boundaries of what's "expected" and let the Holy Spirit lead you beyond your initial assumptions. - Do I have to be at a certain skill level artistically for God to use me?
Absolutely not! God can use you and your art at any place in your journey, guaranteed. However, growth in the Kingdom - and expanded influence, opportunity, resources and provision - is determined by how you steward your gifting.
The best picture of healthy stewardship of a creative gifting in the Bible is in Exodus 31. There it says that Bezalel (the artisan chosen to lead a team of artisans to build the Tabernacle of Moses) was both Filled with the Spirit of God and Skilled in every manner of workmanship. I call it being Filled and Skilled™. It's the intentional, ongoing infilling of the Holy Spirit combined with intentional growth in your creative skills. As you do both, you enlarge your capacity to create with excellence and with the Holy Spirit. That's where you'll begin to experience God's favor and fulfillment in your art.
As an artist who wants it grow, it is not enough to be filled with the Spirit and just sit around, enjoying the glory of His presence. As wonderful and vital as that is in our life, it should lead us out of our comfort zone and ourselves. As we grow in His presence, we must also lean into skill development because that enlarges our capacity to be carriers of His presence. Skill and mastery enable us to steward well the gifts, talents, callings, and opportunities that God gives us. Without a beautiful balance, we run around in circles either full of passion but lacking skill or extremely skilled with no life. It’s a collaboration between God and man, and in no way does that downgrade the supernatural component of how God works in our life.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably had many times in your life when you asked, “God, can’t you just supernaturally download this thing to me so I can get on with it?” And of course, He could absolutely do that but more than likely it’s going to happen the way I am describing in this book. Not because God is mad or doesn’t love you, but because He’s all about the process of walking with us on the journey. He has invested something in you, and He wants to lead, guide, and inspire you with opportunities every day of your life so that you come to know the beauty and adventure of walking with Him! As you faithfully continue on that journey, increase and fruitfulness will be yours. That’s just how the Kingdom works.
No matter how gifted or talented an artist is, it’s all for naught unless they nurture their connection with the Father. Being filled with the Spirit of God should always draw an artist into skill development so they can enlarge their capacity to be a conduit for God’s Glory. Likewise, being filled and skilled should also lead artists who are growing in maturity to see their lives spilled out in the service of others. Teach what you know. Give outrageously. Teach your secrets. Be a river of giving, not a stagnant, fearful puddle who is satisfied to live off of yesterday’s revelation.
Here's a quick video I did on the subject several years back that illustrates this concept even further. - Can Photography be considered Prophetic Art?
Photography, when approached with the right intention and purpose, has the potential to be considered a form of prophetic art. While it may not be suitable for artists who prefer traditional mediums or who thrive on taking their time to complete a piece, it does not exclude their work from being prophetic art. The key lies in the heart behind the artwork and the intention behind its creation.
In a live church setting, creating prophetic art through photography alone may seem challenging, if not impossible. However, when photography is combined with techniques such as photo manipulation, particularly through software like Photoshop, it becomes a powerful and developed method for producing high-quality prophetic art. This opens up new possibilities for artists to express their prophetic visions by manipulating and transforming photographic images.
The advantage of photography as a tool for prophetic art lies in its ability to capture real-life moments, emotions, and expressions with precision. By manipulating these images, artists can enhance and convey prophetic messages with great impact. The use of techniques like photo editing can further emphasize and amplify the intended prophetic meaning behind the artwork.
It is important to note that the consideration of photography as a form of prophetic art is not solely dependent on the medium itself. Instead, it stems from the artist's ability to infuse their work with spiritual insights, inspiration, and a deep understanding of the prophetic message they aim to convey. The use of photography coupled with thoughtful intention and purpose can create profound and impactful prophetic art that resonates with viewers and communicates divine revelations.
While live church settings may not be conducive to creating prophetically inspired photography, employing photo manipulation techniques such as Photoshop has proven to be a highly developed method for producing quality prophetic art. Ultimately, the consideration of photography as a form of prophetic art rests on the artist's heart, intention, and ability to convey insightful messages through their work.
Resources about Prophetic Art
As you continue your journey into learning more about prophetic art, here are some excellent resources I recommend you consider.
As you continue your journey into learning more about prophetic art, here are some excellent resources I recommend you consider.
Inside Prophetic Art: A Practical Guide to Creating with the Holy Spirit, you will learn practical, Biblical concepts to help you create from a place of Spirit-led inspiration. You will also be inspired by glory-stories of artists from around the world who are seeing God move powerfully through their lives and artwork. No matter what your creative medium may be, this comprehensive guide to prophetic creativity will help you start creating art with the Holy Spirit in a deeper, more meaningful way.
Also check out the work of the following artists who were featured inside Prophetic Art: A Simple Guide to Creating with the Holy Spirit:
- Jody Thomae
- Phillip Ortiz
- Karen Swenholt
- Yoonsoo Nam
- Kate Green
- Jorne Lange
- Isabel Casteneda
- Linda Harris Lorio
- Tammy Sorenson
- Nathan Rhoads
- Antonia Ruppert
- Ashley Rogers
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