![]() What was your life as an artist like before becoming a member of the Artist Mentoring Program? What was your biggest roadblock? Unfocused, sporadic, insecure and unmotivated. I let EVERYTHING be a road block for me: time, lack of inspiration, fear of rejection, even spending money on supplies! What prompted you to become a part of the Artist Mentoring Program? Specifically, what were you looking for? I had been challenged by my dying Mother to pursue my art, followed quickly by a friend who wrote a book about living a fearless life in Christ. About a week after I read the book and decided to pursue my art without fear - an ad for the Artist Mentoring Program came up on my Facebook page and I signed up for the trial week. After a couple of days I signed up for the program because I was so impressed with the resources and it was a perfect fit for me. Since becoming a member, how has your life changed? How have you experienced breakthrough? Before I had no vision whatsoever of being a professional artist, let alone even being able to admit to most people that I was an artist. Now I have vision, focus and a plan to pursue an art career. Before it took me years to finish anything. I have a pencil drawing that I'm happy with but it took me nearly 10 years to complete. Now I have so many ideas and have committed myself to spend time on my work, that I've been able to finish a painting or two every month - even with a full-time job. Before I was afraid of rejection and only my closest friends even knew I was an artist. Now I've had my work in 2 community shows and 2 professional juried shows in the past 8 months. I know this all sounds like a pretty radical change. I can't hardly even recognize my own life. This all is a pretty amazing breakthrough for me!
What's been your biggest "Aha Moment" that was a real gamechanger for you while in the program? Realizing how much fear I had about my artwork as I went through the 21 days of breakthrough. What would you say to encourage other artists who are currently in the Artist Mentoring Program along their journey? To artists considering becoming members? We're created in the image of our Creator. He really does have a plan for our lives that includes the creativity He has gifted us with. This program really helps you discover the Lord's heart for artists, how to grow as an artist and the possibilities of having a career in art, along with tools to accomplish that. What's on your horizon? What are you dreaming of and moving toward in this next season? I am dreaming of transitioning from my current full-time job into being a professional artist. My plan is to paint, paint, paint and develop my style and a cohesive body of work. Find out more about Becca's work at www.beccafarmer.com/
Gary Huntress
7/11/2018 03:40:10 pm
Good for you, Becca! I found your story most inspiring and I can certainly relate to your struggles. Thanks so much for making this video and for your encouraging words to those of us who are pressing on toward the mark!
Stephanie Layton
7/11/2018 04:14:52 pm
Beautiful paintings....... your story inspired me!
7/11/2018 05:39:14 pm
Hi Becca,
Dee Edwards
7/11/2018 06:42:25 pm
Thank you for sharing this testimony Becca! I am so happy and excited for you! Wow! I am so insecure about so many areas that God wants me to step into; this is so encouraging!!!
Linda Sabic
7/11/2018 09:01:56 pm
Becca, I love your smile, listening to you and share your struggles as well. Very well executed. Your paintings are lovely. I knew you had to be in AZ after seeing the "Oak Creek Color" and "Arizona Poppy." Continued blessing in your journey forward.
Peggy Wilmeth Carr
7/12/2018 01:23:15 am
Thank you, Becca! I couldn't watch your video--too much buffering, as usual. I do want to sleep sometime, tonight! But I read your words and they inspired me to keep trying to work, despite a full-time job and other obligations. You have a unique perspective, in regard to composition that is intriguing and the paintings are beautifully executed!
7/12/2018 12:16:52 pm
Thank you Peggy! Yes - it's a big commitment - really like working 2 jobs, but I've discovered that going after my dream is very energizing. I admit that I need to be pretty deliberate with my time and that doesn't come easy for me when I'm at home. I guess that is why the mentoring program has made such a difference for me. I'm not alone and I get so much encouragement from the group. Best wishes to you!
7/12/2018 07:13:39 am
Becca ...beautiful story, very inspiring! I love your paintings! They capture some of the hidden beauty of the desert that many miss. Your story is so encouraging. I'm on the "bridge" as well, taking baby steps towards being a full time artist. Love hearing about the way you're stepping into that now. Its inspiring to hear how God has transformed your life and your work this year. You and I started in CTT group around the same time. I was praying for God to open a door to get back to AZ where I spent most of my life and now am within weeks of that move! Maybe we can connect one of these days, I'm moving to Prescott! Many blessings and all the best in your journey with the Lord!!
Tj Voelker
7/12/2018 08:14:16 am
Hi Becca, I really enjoyed your video and seeing some of your work! Beautiful work!
7/13/2018 12:32:22 pm
Lovely. You have very good camera presence. Beautiful paintings. I enjoyed your website too. It IS good to connect from distant places--I'm far from home, based in England.
Barbara Teti
7/13/2018 10:58:16 pm
Thank you for your most relatable sharing. I too have had struggles, that basically paralyzed me from moving forward. I saw the ad on FB about Matt Tommey & he spoke to my heart & I knew I wanted more too.
Kathlyn Billett
8/26/2018 04:35:25 pm
Proud to call you my Niece!!.
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About...These case studies are based on the stories of artists who are members of the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program. They have shared their own stories in their own words. |