I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to hit the reset button after the year we just had. If you’re reaching for that button in your life, then I want to share with you four things that will absolutely help you get rebooted, reset, and ready for what God has in store for your life and art in 2021.
Vision You know, the Bible says that without a vision, the people perish. Unless you have a clear view of who God has called you to be, what He has called you to do, where He is leading you, and what He has for you this year, then you may end up very frustrated. If you find yourself adrift in a sea of doubt, fear, and uncertainty, then I encourage you to go get with Jesus. Take some time away, a few hours or maybe even a couple of days, to get alone with the Lord. Ask Him to show you what He has for you this year in your life, family, art, and business. The clarity you get will form the seed of a vision that you can cultivate in your life. And as you are faithful to nurture this vision, it begins to release clear direction for everything going on in your life. Vision speeds you down the road when things are good and keeps you on the road when things are bad. Why? Because vision informs everything in our life. Belief What you believe deep in your heart is as important as what you see for your future. When you cultivate God-centric Kingdom-focused beliefs in your heart, they inform and shape all of your thoughts and actions. Why? Because what you believe deep in your heart is the fruit of the thoughts and ideas you meditate and focus on day in and day out. Your beliefs are the faith-colored glasses through which you embrace and engage the vision God has established for your life. Vision gives you the path to follow while illuminating the Kingdom-focused truths and concepts you should be cultivating in your heart and mind. Vision, coupled with a well-cultivated belief, also serves as an early warning system against spiritual attacks. When the enemy comes and throws crazy pictures, thoughts, and lies in your mind, you have a strong foundation from which to say, “NO! This lie does not align with God’s vision for my life or look anything like what He is showing me. Renew Your Mind A couple of scriptures that I love are Romans 12:2 and Proverbs 23:7. Romans teaches us to be transformed by renewing our minds, while Proverbs tells us that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. If vision informs your path and beliefs help you engage with God’s plan, thoughts fuel your beliefs. Godly Kingdom-Focused thoughts are great fuel for your godly beliefs, while ungodly, fear-driven lies and half-truths fuel ungodly beliefs. The key to effectively renewing your mind can be summed up in three words:
Faithfulness If vision sets our path, belief helps us to engage with God’s plan, and thoughts fuel our journey of faith, then faithfulness is the oil that keeps things running smoothly. Faithfulness, simply put, is the practice of clearly executing every day the things you need to do as you grow into your calling as a thriving artist. Faithfulness for a creative could look like:
All this and more while learning to lean into His grace and not our strength, following God’s lead while avoiding the personal pitfall of striving. Faithfulness walked out over time leads to the “suddenlies” we all long to experience. Suddenly, as you’ve been faithful in the little things the Father has put into your hands, you “suddenly'' find yourself thriving in life, art, relationships, and maybe even business. 2021 is a year of great promise and great potential for creatives. This year we are all called to get serious about embracing vision, renewing our minds, cultivating godly beliefs, and faithfully walking out the plans God has for us. And as we do this in the context of a community of others doing the same, I promise you will have a reset and a reboot like no other.
1/15/2021 07:24:20 am
Hi Matt, amen and amen. I am looking forward to the master classes, not doubt inspired by the true master. I have a vision, both for the art and songs that God has placed on my heart, and I do believe yes, there is only one person who truly resets things and that is God. Since 2012 the creator has inspired my creativity, and now when it looks like the most wrong time to step out, it seems the right time,, because it appears like there is no clear way, but as we know, our God makes a way where there is no way. Bless you
1/15/2021 03:27:09 pm
Hi Matt! Thank you for the inspiration in such dark times.
Linda Herrin
1/15/2021 06:20:11 pm
Hi, my name is Linda Herrin
1/15/2021 07:12:08 pm
Thank you for your Master Class. You are an answer to prayer! Devoting myself to my art full time since June 2020, I have asked God to show me what I should be doing, and wanting to align myself with His works, but not knowing how. It was no coincidence your ad came to me when it did.
Deborah Lopez
1/16/2021 08:43:46 am
I’m excited for Monday. I always knew God had a plan for me and working it full circle without distractions with a focus of His plan. This was great thank you
1/16/2021 10:00:04 am
i agree with Sabine. Prefer not to support FB.
Laura jensen
1/16/2021 01:25:57 pm
1/17/2021 10:06:23 am
I have just been banned from participating in any FB groups. The Online Watercolor Workshop I created in FB is off limits to me. I can see it, read it, but cannot participate or administer, post to it. Essentially, they have no leader at this moment. This is my ministry and my heart is broken.
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AuthorMatt Tommey is an artist, author and mentor who is passionate about empowering artists to thrive spiritually, artistically and in business. |